‘Honey!’ It is no wonder that we like our loved ones calling us by this name because honey is nature’s own sweet present for beauty and care.
Honey has been used since age old times in skin care. Honey is rich in antioxidants and is the perfect solution for wrinkled and aging skin. It also works as a wonderful moisturizer and toner.
Honey’s ability to make skin even toned, lustrous and moisturized has made it finds its way into some of the best-working and frequently-used home remedies for skin care.
Here are 5 fun ways to use honey in your skin care recipes at home.
- Moisturizing facial for dry skin:
Take 2 pieces of avocado and one egg yolk and beat it in a blender. To this, add two full tablespoons of honey and mix well. Apply this evenly to your skin and allow it to stay for 20 minutes. Rinse away with warm water.
Avocado is rich in vital nutrients that moisturize dry skin. It is capable of protecting skin harmful UV radiation and also revitalizes skin. Eggs contain lutein that makes your skin elastic and hydrated. Honey on the other hand has the ability to retain moisture and hence keep your skin supple and fresh.
- Anti-acne treatment:
An apple-honey face mask is an easy and quick solution to acne problems. Chop half an apple and blend it with two tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture to your face as a face mask and remove after 15 minutes.
Honey rebalances acid-mantle in the skin and hence helps maintain pH balance of the skin. Honey also reduces oil output of the skin and makes skin pores smaller or constricted. As a result, it prevents skin infection and inflammation that lead to acne formation.
Apples contain vitamins A and C that are good for the skin and also contain malic acid which is popularly used in acne treatments as it helps remove dead skin and unclogs pores.
- Cooling facial for sensitive skin:
Some people have sensitive skin that becomes reddened easily. For inflammation, redness and skin itching problems, honey is the perfect skin toning solution.
Take a piece of aloe vera and scoop out the inner flesh from it. Add one tablespoon of this gel to two tablespoons of honey and mix well. Apply this mixture to sensitive and affected skin and allow it to dry. It can then be rinsed off with water.
Aloe vera has a cooling effect and helps control inflammation as it soothes skin.
- Say bye to scars and dark spots:
Continued exposure to sunlight and increased pollution levels outside your house can leave your skin dry with dark spots. In some people, skin reacts to harmful chemicals resulting in scarring. These are not things that you can get rid of with a simple soap wash. They need something extra!
Mix a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and two tablespoons of Honey. Apply this mixture to your skin and allow it to dry. Later, you can wash with cold water and repeat this procedure in the evening, twice a week.
Lemon has excellent skin exfoliating and lightening effects. It removes dead cells from the skin and reverses sun tan. Honey helps to moisturize your skin and keep it soft while lemon acts on it to fade out scars.
- Refreshing combo:
Take two tablespoons of yogurt, two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil or wheatgerm oil. Add these to a blender and add four almonds to it. Blend the mixture well to form a smoothie and apply it evenly on your skin.
You can use honey in your daily care recipes to refresh tired skin. Yogurt hydrates your skin and is a quick de-tanner. Olive oil enhances exfoliation and unlike regular moisturizer, does not clog your skin pores. Almonds contain vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids that are rich in antioxidant properties.
You can also use this combo as a scrub for your whole body and see the benefits.
Try out these skin care recipes! To know more about honey products, click here.