Organic Red Rice: What are its benefits
Red rice is name given to rice varieties that have red pigmentation. Organic red rice has viscous consistency and is rich and luscious in appearance. Organic red rice has a great aroma and flavor. Organic red rice is sweeter as compared to other rice types and this is the reason why it tastes better that other rice varieties and often used for consumption. Organic red rice is highly nutritious and is also consumed for its health benefits. The various health benefits of organic red rice can be attributed to the fact that this rice is processed organically from red paddy. Since it is processed by sun-drying, organic red rice is free from fumigants, preservatives as well as pesticides that are often used to grow other rice varieties. Organic red rice is also free rom toxins and impurities which makes it very healthy for consumption.
Since organic red rice is organically processed, it retains all its nutrients. Organic red rice is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, niacin, Vitamins B6 and K, thiamine, folates, choline, betaine, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. With a wide range of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers and essential acids, organic red rice is considered a healthy staple for people of all ages.
Health benefits of Organic Red Rice
- Organic red rice promotes cardiovascular health because of its rich antioxidants. Organic red rice helps to lower the cholesterol levels because of its low content of fats and high content of dietary fibers. Organic red rice is also a rich source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which keep the heart healthy. The consumption of organic red rice can significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases and strokes.
- Organic red rice helps to prevent cancer because of the rich antioxidant content it has. The antioxidants fight the free radicals which are responsible for the oxidative stress and damage of the cells. Organic red rice helps to fight various types of cancer including colon cancer.
- Organic red rice also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Organic red rice has a low glycemic index and controls the blood sugar levels in the blood. It also helps in the controlled production of insulin in the body thereby helping to prevent type 2 diabetes.
- Organic red rice also helps in losing weight as it contains a lot of dietary fibers. Consuming organic red rice keeps one full and satiated for longer thus preventing one from over eating. In addition, organic red rice has a very low content of fats enabling one to control weight.
- The consumption of organic red rice is also considered good for the digestive health. Since organic red rice is rich in dietary fibers, it improves the digestion process and also helps in smooth bowel movement. Organic red rice also prevents from problems like piles and constipation. The antioxidants present in organic red rice also keep the digestive tract free of infections.
- Organic red rice is also a rich source of proteins and thus helps in keeping the muscles and the bones strong. Since muscle and bone tissues are made of proteins, organic red rice provides the body with enough proteins to build and repair the tissues effectively. The calcium present in organic red rice further helps in the development of stronger bones.
- Since organic red rice is rich in iron and Vitamin B6, it helps in the production of red blood cells. The consumption of organic red rice helps in improving the quality of blood and also ensures balanced production of cellular DNA and serotonin.
- Organic red rice promotes skin health because of its rich content of vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins, especially, Vitamin C is essential for a healthy skin. The antioxidants present in organic red rice fight free radicals that cause premature aging and also several skin diseases.
- Organic red rice also helps in preventing allergies and asthma. It contains compounds that can fight the allergy inducing effects of histamine and thus help the body to fight effectively against allergies.
Organic red rice is also great for the brain health. It helps in the balanced production of serotonin and also contains minerals like selenium that are essential for brain functioning and development