Simple Ways To Remove Unwanted Hair

Simple Ways To Remove Unwanted Hair

Image Source: veet



Whenever we look at a person, then there are various things that catch our attention. Such as beautiful skin, shiny hair, smooth hands, deep eyes. Many women are very proud of the growth of their hair. But what happens when the growth of the hair takes place not only in erratic proportion & at unwanted places. Like- hands, legs or face. The sight of such things does become a nightmare which restricts your movement in the outside world. It normally occurs due to the imbalance in your hormones, use of medications in the case of expecting mothers. Treatments like waxing, laser hair removal that can turn out to be expensive for many women. Still there are various Natural Skin Care Products that can solve the problems regarding unwanted hair.

Alum Rosewater Treatment

This is a very common form of treatment & is very much prevalent in India. The availability of this product is very readily available in the market. One will normally find it in solid form. So, one has to grind it & covert it into minute granules form. This way it will be very simple to apply. In order to get much better results, you can also add few drops of Olive Oil to get a higher chance of positive result.

Banana & Oat Meal Scrub

The combination of Banana & Oat Meal Scrub turns out to be very useful because banana contains vitamins like – A & B. Plus it has got an abundance of Potassium which is very good for our skin texture. Mix it with the paste of Oat Meal Flakes it over the area where the then apply unwanted hair is troubling you. Unlike other Scrubs being sold in the market prevents the redness being caused after applying it on the affected area. In addition to this it prevents the skin from harmful UV rays of the sun.




A very important element called the “Papain”. It restricts the growth of an unwanted hair by breaking down the growth of the hair right from its source. It develops the texture of the skin & also cleans the dead cells from the body. The mixture of Aloe Vera if added in this paste will solve your problem completely. There are many Organic Scrubs made by papaya which are easily available in the market.

Organic Turmeric

The use & benefits of this golden element will never diminish. Turmeric acts as a catalyst for all sorts of beauty related things. One has to just make a paste of Turmeric, add few drops of rose water & sufficient quantity of milk depending upon the area you want to cover. The result of this treatment will definitely yield good results for you. Different quantity of concentration of the ingredients is prepared for thin, dense or thick hair.


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