Why is Green Tea Popular

Why is Green Tea Popular

Image Source: Freedieting

Green tea is the healthiest beverage that is native to China and India. It recently gained popularity. It has been used in many ways by people from all across the world.

Green tea is produced in India and China. It has been used since centuries to cure wounds, improve digestion and general health. Green tea is beneficial in a variety of ways to both young and old people. Indeed it is popular as an efficient and a very healthy beverage. Very recently researches have been conducted that prove green tea has uses beyond the ordinary beverages. No requirement of sugar and milk in green tea makes it popular among people who are overweight and this trend has increasingly made this tea the first choice of many.

Possible reasons behind popularity

  • Green tea is considered the healthiest beverage because it is a less processed type of tea. It is altered very little from its natural state.
  • Green tea is enriched with a lot of antioxidants. Antioxidants are known to reduce the formation of radicals in the body that play a part in ageingand occurrence of diseases.
  • It contains a variety of beneficial polyphenols.

  • Green tea has been shown to reduce the risk of various types of cancer.
  • It is also proved that green tea increases the rate of metabolism and also helps in burning fat.
  • Green tea improves the functioning of brain.

  • Green tea helps in fighting cholesterol.
  • Green tea is a mood elevator. It helps people with depression and anxiety disorders to remain calm and happy.
  • It has been proved that green tea improves insulin sensitivity and hence lowers the risk of type II diabetes.
  • Regular intake of green tea improves the heart functioning and reduces risk of heart diseases.

  • It fights inflammatory skin diseases and gives you a glowing skin.
Including green tea in your daily life is a boost to your overall health and of your loved ones. This magic drink provides many benefits. It deserves the popularity it has achieved. It is not easy to find these many positive aspects in one drink. Green tea has gained immense popularity and it’s good for a healthy life. Think of its benefits and enjoy your daily cup of green tea. Browse through JBN  for more info on green tea and the associated products. We provide lemon, ginger and honey as additives to green tea as one of our many useful products. Join us in making the world an organic place to live in.
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