4 Super Potent Stress Busting Foods


Stress is something that we all experience, and though there can a pretty large disparity between in the amount of stress experienced between two individuals, the negative effects of stress make a visible impact even if you experience relatively less stress.

Recent polls have shown that people feel more stressed now than they did before, that is, their stress levels have not been reducing. Much of the stress comes from work related matters and this too has been increasing. Coming close behind in second is financial causes. It also happens to be that many individuals who consult a doctor for an illness are diagnosed with a stress-related illness.

There are numerous reasons cited for the presence and increase in stress. Whatever the cause, the devastating effects of stress remain the same. It puts pressure on the heart’s muscles, raising the blood pressure which in turn leads to many medical conditions. Strokes are fairly common in those who have undergone high stress for extended periods of time. It has also been made aware that high stress levels leads to premature aging. Studies have learned that stress prevents new cells from growing as quickly. The rap sheet of stress doesn’t end there. It affects virtually all parts of the body, either directly or through the weakening of another organ, and is a serious consideration for medical experts.

The Mechanism of Stress

The hormone responsible for the building up of stress is the rather innocent-sounding cortisol. Stress hormones are in themselves only an effective way for the body to defend itself and quite useful. Whenever the body faces a difficult or dangerous situation, the body releases the stress hormone cortisol to help us handle the situation better. It makes us more alert and gives us a little boost in energy. It is simply the flight or fight syndrome.

However, in modern times, we tend to encounter stress-triggering situations with such frequency that we are nearly always in this flight or fight situation. Work, relationships, debts and the vagaries of life all team up to force our bodies to produce the stress hormones constantly. This is deadly for the body.

In addition to stress management techniques, you can change your diet to include foods that will help keeps those stress hormones in check. Here’s a list of such foods:

Foods To Eat

  1. Garlic

Garlic is brimming with good substances that aid many parts of our body. It boosts our immune system, which is particularly important for someone suffering from stress because stress tends to decimate our immune systems. It is also rich in antioxidants, which destroys all the negative substances in our body that tend to cause diseases.

  1. Chamomile Tea

The aromatic Chamomile Tea is a fine way to refresh yourself and curb stress. Studies have been undertaken to better understand the link between the tea and stress levels and they returned positive results. Those who consumed the drink over an extended period of time were found to have lower levels of anxiety.

  1. Cashew nuts

Cashew Nuts may be high in calories, but they’re packed with multiple benefits, including being a rich source of vitamins and minerals, and of course, fighting stress. This is because they contain a lot of zinc and low levels of the mineral are linked to stress. We can’t recommend eating too many cashew nuts, because of their calorie content, but a handful every day is a good idea.

  1. Oatmeal

At JoyByNature, we’ve talked plenty about the benefits of oatmeal, which truly is a wonder food. Oatmeal makes your body release serotonin, which is a chemical which makes you relax. This combats the tension you receive from stress. Apart from this, oatmeal is also a great source of fiber and carbohydrates, and is a solid addition to any one’s diet.

You should really consider having one or two of these foods on your plate everyday, regardless if you’re stressed or not. Those who feel stress should take many measures to curb it, because it can be disastrous if left ignored.



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