The Best Organic Cleaning Products That Is Gentle On Your Skin
Image Source: Pixabay
Once again in the battle of man vs nature; natural Organic cleaning products are favored more than the former, mainly because these do not show any allergic reactions (in most cases) and are less harmful to the user and the ones around.
More than 50,000 synthetic chemicals have been developed since the end of World War II most of which have not been tested for long-term side effects and the worst part, these chemicals are used regularly in household cleaning. Many of these chemicals have dispersed into the environment contaminating the soil we live on, the air we breathe and the water we drink.
The shocking part of all this is that, a common man doesn’t have a clue about this.
How to protect the skin of the loved one and the user?
- Minimize cleaning products to a few essentials that can do the entire job and will also save money in the process.
- Store all cleaning products in their original containers out of the reach of children.
- Use non-toxic alternatives, even better is the use of organic cleaning products.
- Always read and follow the instructions on the label and use only the amount required for the job.
- When using chemicals, ensure there is adequate ventilation, wear goggles and rubber gloves.
- Never combine cleaning products as they can interact in dangerous ways and give off toxic fumes.
Notice allergies-
- When a new cleaning product is being used, it is very important to notice allergies or any type of allergic reaction. If these go unnoticed they can become severe and cause permanent damage.
- Even during the usage of organic cleaning products if there is any distress feeling like nausea or headache, etc. please stop using the product immediately and consult a doctor.
Avoid mineral acids
- We tend to use mineral acid for the cleaning of certain parts of the house. During such usage, the fumes that come out from such acids are very toxic in nature and can even lead to suffocation when inhaled.
- Also when these come in contact with our skin, they can cause severe pain and lead to permanent damage of the skin.
Water can be the best cleaning agent used by man till date. But drastic times call for drastic measures.
Using earth-friendly organic cleaning products certainly is a step towards a better house, but all the go green efforts are totally negated if there is wastage of water.
As the world’s population continues to increase, water scarcity is becoming a pressing issue. Many of us have no idea as to how much water is being used everyday, and it’s a resource we take for granted.
Coming to the point, every time a commercial chemically filled cleaning agent is used, it will get the job done for the moment but the waste gets washed down the drain and its either dumped into landfills or sprayed into the air or is mixed with the water bodies. In general, destroying the very environment needed for sustaining life.
Not to worry though. One can still get the cleaning job done by the use of organic cleaning products which get the job done and at the same time do not kill the user or the environment; slowly or immediately.