Joybynature.com Team

Image Source: makeupgirlshelpwithflorab



Hello everyone, today I will be bringing your attention to one of the most common problems, that has lot of ammunition to scare away any teenage. This is a very tender age where even the slightest abnormalities on our face create a storm of panic in our minds. Acne, Pimples, Bumps, Spots these are some of the common names that people refer to the small boils on our face. On the sight of this inflammation, we run to the general store for all kinds of medicines or lotions to dissolve these abnormalities. But don’t worry at all, as I have some of the cool Organic Cosmetics for Pimples tips by which you will never have to witness any kind of pimples on your face.

Some of the Home Remedies that will help you are:

  • Tea Tree Oil: This particular component is able to break up the clogged pores & clear out the dead skin. This way it prevents pimples from coming back. Dilute one portion of this oil with half glass of water. Apply the solution using a clean ball of cotton & leave it for approximately 30 minutes. This is the Best Beauty Product for pimple related problems.



  • Lemon Extracts: This is one of the most common thing which is very easily available. It has Vitamin C, which is very essential for our skin to glow. So take few lemon pieces & squeeze them into a glass. Then take a piece of clean cotton & dip it into the Lemon Extracts. Now apply the soaked cotton on the pimple regularly. Within few days you will see the change. Lemon extracts are also used in various types of Skin Cosmetic Products.

  • Organic Honey: Honey is the best material to ensure that the problems of pimples will never arise again on your face. It acts as a natural antibiotic which can pull out the bacteria from your skin easily. A very important thing why Honey is considered to be the Best Cosmetic is because it prevents bacteria growth & anti inflammatory properties. It also diminishes the redness caused due to pimples. Honey also keeps the excess oil away & leaves the skin hydrated plus moisturized.

  • Green Tea: I am sure that a visual of pimple will always scare you. But one should not worry about it at all. There are numerous homemade remedies by which one can not only reduce pimples but totally remove it from the roots thus giving a glow to your skin. My idea of drinking Herbal Tea is perfect for this particular You can mix Green Tea with any Organic Face Wash. So a combination of this will totally help you out to get rid of Pimple problem completely.

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