Many of us - the many vocally challenged of us - would have been told that we could never sing, never be able to hold a tune, and always scare anyone within earshot.
That is not true.
While not all of us can be Asha Bhosle, it is possible for everybody to train and take care of their voice to a point where it is actually quite tolerable. That's a major part of singing as well - taking care of your voice. Even the best vocalists put an enormous effort into making sure their vocal cords are maintained well and that they're not doing damaging it with lifestyle and eating habits.
A good diet and lifestyle, coupled with dedicated practice, can make one a much better singer. It takes time, but it's well within reach.
Make no mistake, what you put into your gullet can affect the sound of your voice. We've therefore compiled a list of foods that are beneficial to your voice and those that aren't quite so beneficial.
- Honey
You'll have been told before about what honey can do for the voice. It's true that it has a soothing effect on your throat. The anti-microbial properties it possesses make it that much more effective in preserving your voice. If you ever feel a little itchiness or soreness, a spoonful of honey can go a long way to help with it.
Would you like to know more about honey? You can read about it here.
- Water
It's pretty self-explanatory as to why water is on this list. The throat needs to be hydrated to produce sweet notes. Have you ever tried to sing when you're parched? It isn't easy and it doesn't sound correct.
Warm water is much better than chilled water and should be drunk before you begin your singing sessions. You should also gargle with warm water to clear your throat.
- Vitamin A
Vitamin A plays a huge role in the regeneration of cells and the upkeep of them. Sufficient consumption of Vitamin A means that your vocal membranes are smooth and functional as can be. Many vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin A.
If you'd like to know more about a Vitamin A rich food source, click here.
- Quinoa
You don't necessarily have to have Quinoa - anything which is rich in protein and fiber will do. It gives you a lot of energy and one needs a lot of energy to sing.
You can learn more about quinoa here.
Foods To Avoid
Caffeine is strictly off-limits to anyone who wishes to improve the performance of their vocals. This is because caffeine is a dehydrating agent and this puts a terrible strain on your vocal cords. Caffeine also induces stiffness in the throat and a minor burning sensation, which can affect performance.
If you can't do without your caffeine, opt for a drink with less caffeine in it, such as a black tea.
Sodas and Sugary Drinks
Sodas and sugary drinks are bad for the whole body, not just for your voice. Like caffeine, they dry you out and stiffen your voice. The fact that they induce belching is all the more reason for you to stay off sodas if you want to improve your singing ability.
Alcohol, even more than caffeine and soda, causes you to dehydrate. The dehydration is why we get the hangover - the terrible, terrible hangover - next morning. Alcohol is a complete no-no.
This list doesn't cover the entire spectrum of voice-friendly foods; there are many more out there. Use your judgment when selecting what to eat. Eating anything that makes your throat dry is bad and that's a good rule of thumb as any. Keep your throat moistened by drinking water regularly and staying off cigarettes and alcohol. The latter two coarsen your voice over time. Just stick to a good diet and practice with effort and you'll notice an improvement in good time.