Hyperthyroidism is a hormone imbalance in which there is an excess of the hormone thyroid in the blood. It leads to an increased metabolism and an elevated heart rate. It can also aggravate pre-existing conditions and complicate future maladies.
Women over the age of 50 are particularly likely to suffer from hyperthyroidism. Unfortunately, there is neither a preventive nor a permanent cure for Hyperthyroidism. Medication is often taken for the rest of the patient's life. Yet, doctors recommend specific diets that can ease the symptoms of the disease and make the lives of the sufferers more comfortable.
As always, discuss your problems with a medical expert first. If you have others medical conditions to deal with, some of the food items below might not be advisable.
A whole foods diet is the ideal diet for the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Have you seen all the salt brands selling themselves as iodised salt? They do so because iodine is very important for the thyroid. Such specific considerations are required when one suffers from hyperthyroidism.
Here are the food items you should be including into your diet if you suffer from hyperthyroidism:
- Pumpkin Seed
Tyrosine is what make pumpkin seeds a must have in the diet for hyperthyroidism sufferers. The thyroid needs tyrosine for proper functioning and a deficiency can lead to hyperthyroidism. Tyrosine isn't found in many vegetarian options as easily as it is with pumpkin seeds, with the exception of bananas. You've got to have this in your diet.
It also contains large amounts of magnesium, selenium and potassium - all vital to the thyroid's functioning (not to mention the rest of the body).
Learn more here.
- Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are healthy all round! They're a good source of protein and they're also rich in fiber. They contain an abundance of elements like magnesium, copper, and Vitamin E, and can significantly raise the healthiness of your cuisine. They've also got their own unique flavour, which is an excuse in itself to try it out.
To know more, click here.
- Whole grains
Whole grains are an excellent inclusion in the diet regardless of whether you have hyperthyroidism or not, but they are especially so for victims of the illness because of the abundance of zinc and other elements. They go very well with some of the seeds mentioned in this article - they cover a sizable portion of your diet.
Read more here.
- Flaxseed
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the proper functioning of your thyroid and you'll find them in flaxseed oil and ground flaxseed, Vegetarians don't have many options when it comes to their omega-3 requirements, and flaxseed happens to be one of the more easily available items.
You can learn more here.
- Nuts
All nuts have some healthy properties to it. Rich in both protein and fibre, they taste great as well. Walnuts are particularly healthy nuts. They are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, contain a lot of fiber, tannins and polyphenols and even anti-oxidants. If there's a nut you're going to choose, from a purely health perspective, we suggest walnuts.
You can read more here.
- Seaweed
A staple of Japanese cuisine, seaweed is a little less consumed in other parts of the word. That's a real shame because it is actually quite a healthy food to eat. It is rich in Iodine which, as we mentioned, is loved by the thyroid. Iodine and tyrosine work together to ensure the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
An illness like hyperthyroidism cannot be fought with a change in diet alone. It cannot be fought with medication alone. A combination of dietary changes, lifestyle changes and medical prescription is the only way to suppress an incurable illness. Careful living will go some way in making the disease virtually unnoticeable, but not entirely. While there is no preventive for hyperthyroidism, it can't hurt to live as healthy a living as possible from early on in your life.