Joybynature.com Team

Image Source: Organicliving

We all have made the wrong decision in thinking that commercial products can give a fairer looking skin than eating organic foods; how wrong? Well, let’s find out-

Pros and cons of using commercial products


They give a fairer looking skin in a much shorter time period and that’s all.


In addition to giving a fairer looking skin in short periods; they also come with a package called side-effect and that package is completely full and who knows what’s inside.

Pros and cons of eating organic foods-


Organic foods do not have any so called side-effect package and in addition to that they are easily available to everyone.


Ever had to go see a doctor for eating an organic product? Well the answer to that question and the previous one will be NO.

Here is small list of daily Organic Food that can be used to get a fairer looking skin-

Lemon Water

  • Try lime water instead. Besides benefiting the skin, water and lime juice reduces ageing, blackheads and wrinkles. Lemon acts as natural bleach as it contains vitamin C and the acidity present in the lemon, helps in whitening the skin.


  • Anti-inflammatory in nature, potato has high vitamin A content which helps fight acne-causing bacteria. The presence of vitamin C further improves skin tone and heals pimple scars. Place a potato slice on your face and massages it gently. This will remove red marks, blemishes and lighten the skin tone.


  • A recently conducted successful research points out that drinking tea can lower peroxides (cause of skin burn and roughness), and make your skin better cause it is a strong antioxidant.No wonder all the Brits are so white!!

Fruits and vegetables containing high vitamin C:

  • If one wants to maintain a healthy and bright complexion the best option is to eat organic foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as kiwifruit, strawberries, cherries, tomatoes etc.

Dark chocolate:

  • Dark chocolates are not the ones that are commonly available in the departmental store; these are type of chocolate’s that contains pure cocoa beans, the cocoa content of such dark chocolates will be more than 70%. These chocolates when applied on the skin give a naturally glowing skin.

Red and Yellow Fruits:

  • These foods are rich in phytochemicals and carotene, which aids in anti-oxidation, thereby perking up the skin’s resistance power.


  • They are rich in vitamin A, B and E and are a great anti-ageing food. A fresh mashed banana facial can do wonders for your skin.


  • It is not only a rich source of calcium but milk is a great home remedy for s whitening. Milk will moisturize your skin and the lactic acids will have an exfoliating effect on the skin


  • Soybean is the best organic foods for anti-ageing owing to the presence of the nutrients and vitamins that acts as a phytoestrogen that fights ageing. Antioxidants present in it help in retaining the glow of the skin.


  • Beetroot purges our bodies of toxins. It contains potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, fiber and vitamins A, B, and C, which will help lighten your complexion.

In making the right choice about choosing organic foods to get a fairer skin; we are not only helping ourselves but also making our environment a better to live in.


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