Helping Your New Born Slip Into A Sleeping Schedule
Image Source: Happybabysleep
As the newborn comes to your home, it fills everyone with joy. The baby lightens everyone’s mood. However what everyone gets concerned, about specially the parents, is the sleeping schedule of the baby. An improper sleeping schedule of the baby not only affects the baby but also disturbs the parents to a great extent. It seems simple to make your baby go to sleep but actually it’s not. Before knowing how to make your baby fall into a sleeping schedule, it’s important to know how much of sleep your baby needs in order to have a healthy life.
How much sleep does your baby need?
No two children are exactly alike and amount of sleep a particular baby needs may vary from one baby to another. This might also vary for the same baby as she starts growing up. However, according to experts, a newborn requires a minimum of 16hours of sleep a day in the beginning which might gradually decrease with the passage of time.
What sleeping strategies can you try?
After knowing about the minimum hours of sleep a baby requires a day, it’s important to know about some sleeping strategies that a parent should try in order to make the baby fall asleep. The following are a few of them:
- Creating a Bedtime Routine to Help Baby Sleep
One should try to make daytime feeds social and lively, and night-time feeds quiet and calm. This will help your baby to set her body clock and learn the difference between day and night.
- Baby Massage to Helps Relax Your Baby to Sleep
Giving babies massages with baby massage oil like Himalaya Baby Massage Oil has been proven to not only help them relax, but has shown to improve their sleep habits. By relaxing them before bedtime, they can fall into a deeper sleep sooner.
Baby Bedding Necessities
Give your baby a security object, such as a baby blanket or stuffed animal. Keep it near you for a while so it becomes mum-scented. In case you are breastfeeding, you could try expressing some breast milk on a small piece of muslin. Babies have a strong sense of smell, and when she startles awake, the smell of you will calm her down.
- Observe the natural style
Give your baby the chance to fall asleep on her own from between six weeks and eight weeks. Put her down on her back when she's sleepy, but still awake. If you rock or feed your baby to sleep she may start to depend on it, rather than be used to settling herself.
- Cuddle Up
Cuddle up if you'd like her to sleep in your bed. Comfort her so she knows it's time for sleep. Lie down together and cuddle her, pretending to sleep, firmly letting her know its bedtime. But make sure you are aware of how to make co-sleeping safe. If your baby is six months or younger, it's safest for her to sleep in a cot next to your bed.
- Use of mosquito Net
Mosquitoes can be a disturbing agent in your baby’s sound sleep. It is advisable to use a mosquito net in this regard. Use of a roach repellent or a lizard repellent can further help ease the situation.
- Relax the rules on diaper changes
Resist the urge to change your baby every time she wakes up. You'll just jostle her awake even more. Instead, dresses your baby in a high quality, nighttime diaper at bedtime. When she wakes up, sniff to see if it's soiled and change only if you must. For sleepy nighttime changes, nothing wakes a baby faster than a cold, wet wipe. Try using a warm washcloth instead.