11 Home Remedies Of Tuberculosis

11 Home Remedies Of Tuberculosis

Image Source – Dreams Time

Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious infectious bacterial disease that attacks the lungs and can easily be transferred through sneezing, coughing, fluid exchange, or other means of germ spread, just like a common bacterial infection. The medical treatment for tuberculosis is a long and difficult process of antibiotics and a high risk of complications. Therefore complementary natural remedies significantly improve the recovery time. Furthermore, by maintaining a diet or lifestyle that includes these home remedies, you can greatly lower your chance of ever contracting tuberculosis. Some of these valuable home remedies for tuberculosis are discussed below.

Drink Your Milk

Milk is one of the best sources of calcium in our diet, and calcium is an integral vitamin in the body for counteracting the symptoms of tuberculosis. Some people recommend going on a milk-only diet for a short time if you are suffering from tuberculosis. It not only protects the body from the bacterial effects of tuberculosis, but can also soothe the respiratory system, lower inflammation, and boost the immune system to effectively fight off the infection




The high concentration of vitamins and organic compounds in bananas can rapidly reduce inflammation, coughing, high fever, and excessive mucus production, which are all severe symptoms of the condition. Eating a few bananas a day has even been known to cure the condition entirely.


Pineapples are also very good at breaking up mucus in the respiratory tracts and eliminating congestion of the lungs and nasal cavities. This can give your immune system a chance to get in there and begin combating the bacteria, so eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice to naturally fight off TB.


In the case of tuberculosis, it is the sulfuric acid found in garlic that is particularly potent for the tuberculosis bacteria. By steeping garlic in water and drinking it, or at least adding fresh garlic to as many meals as you can, you can effectively clear out your system of TB or you can simply use garlic to boost your immune system and prevent contracting TB in the first place.


Various types of gourds, including bottle gourds, act as very effective immune system stimulators. This is important for those suffering from tuberculosis, as the immune system is compromised when you are infected.


    In terms of tuberculosis, mint breaks up mucus buildup in the respiratory tracts, allowing for more clear passage of air, and also has a number of immune-stimulating properties and antioxidants that can directly impact any infection in the body. Crushed mint leaves can be steeped in a very potent tea that anyone suffering from TB should add to their daily dietary intake.

    Indian Gooseberry

    Pure gooseberry juice is mixed with honey coats the stomach and the respiratory tracts and can offer relief from inflammation and discomfort, while also stimulating your immune system with its proven antibacterial qualities.


    High concentrations of vitamin C and other beneficial vitamins and antioxidants make oranges a very effective home remedy for tuberculosis. The saline action of orange juice can break up congestion in the lungs and respiratory tracts and can lessen the amount of expectoration, coughing, and blood in the sputum. Also, the antioxidants in oranges effectively seek out and eliminate the bacteria causing the infection.

    Black Pepper

    Black pepper is actually an anti-inflammatory substance, and it can also help to cleanse the lungs, reduce coughing, and eliminate pain and discomfort. Fry black peppercorns in butter, then crush them up and consume them a few times a day to get quick results and relief from tuberculosis conditions.


    As your immune system gets compromised by the infection, you need the nutrients in walnuts to protect the rest of your body from secondary infections while the immune system handles the main TB infection

    Green Tea

    In terms of tuberculosis, green tea uses its high polyphenol content to seek out the bacteria and keep it from spreading to other parts of the body, where it is much more difficult to treat. A simple cup or two of green tea each day is a wonderful home remedy for tuberculosis.


    While all of these home remedies have shown significant effects on the symptoms and progress of tuberculosis in humans, TB is still a very serious and fast-acting disease, so if you are suffering from extreme symptoms, you should see a medical professional.

    Frequently asked questions

    Can home remedies completely cure tuberculosis?

    Home remedies can help manage tuberculosis symptoms, but they should not be considered a replacement for medical treatment.

    Are there any dietary changes that can help with tuberculosis?

    Maintaining a nutritious diet can support your immune system during tuberculosis treatment. Include foods rich in vitamins and proteins, but it's not a standalone cure.

    Can herbal remedies like garlic or ginger cure tuberculosis?

    There's no scientific evidence to prove but they may provide some relief from symptoms.

    Should I isolate myself if I have tuberculosis?

    Yes, it's important to follow isolation guidelines provided by your healthcare provider to prevent the spread of tuberculosis to others.

    Can I continue to work if I have tuberculosis?

    It's advisable to take a break from work during tuberculosis treatment to avoid exposing colleagues to the bacteria.



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