Your ultimate guide to the world of chocolates

Your ultimate guide to the world of chocolates

Image Source: TheHuffingtonPost

Chocolate plays many roles in our daily lives. It is the saviour during heartbreaks, romance inducing wingman, a friend in times of celebration and much more! Alas, many view chocolate as an enemy of their hips. This misconception has thrown an ugly shade on the innocent snack. Keep reading to understand the true wonder that is chocolate.

It is good for your heart

There is a dangerous form of cholesterol called LDL which when oxidised can act as a free radical and endanger your other tissues. This is extremely dangerous to your heart muscles and causes a high risk of heart disease. Chocolates can lower the oxidation of LDL and protect your heart.

Cocoa is healthy

Chocolates – especially dark chocolates – have a high cocoa content. Cocoa by itself tastes bitter and strong. But when processed in the form of chocolates, it is magical. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants like polyphenols, flavanols and catechins.

It is good for your skin

Chocolates contain many bioactive compounds that improve blood flow to the skin and hydrate the skin. This means that it acts as an efficient (and tasty) sunscreen, rejuvenating the skin from the inside.

What kinds of chocolates are healthy?

Though chocolates have many health benefits, the addition of too much milk and sugar make it less effective. There are certain organic chocolates that taste great and contribute greatly towards your health.

  • Healthy chocolates contain a lot less sugar which the main source of harm.
  • They have boosted health benefits as they are made of purely organic materials.
  • These healthy snacks are very filling and satisfy you without taking a toll on your health.
  • They are a boon to the people who have a sweet tooth but need to go on a diet.
  • Dark chocolate can be much more filling and satisfying than a bag of chips.
  • Organic snacks are known for being convenient foods for people looking to lose weight. They provide the taste and satiation but do not damage your well-being or add extra calories.

Chocolates have been a boon to humanity since their discovery. The more we indulge in their rich goodness, the more we find out how beneficial it is. This is a win-win situation as we gain the goodness and enjoy the experience. The endorphins released after consumption of chocolates have just one message to send: You just did your body a huge favour.

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