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Image Source: Saagara

Though stress is a part of life, continuous stress can adversely affect our health. Having to continuously live in anxiety, without any respite, produces many physical as well as well as mental symptoms. These ultimately lead to the body being attacked by many disorders, some of which may be life-threatening.

Stress can induce headaches, anger, anxiety, depression, lack of interest and concentration and a host of other symptoms. Continuous exposure to stress worsens the progression of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Long-term stress also wears down our immune system making us susceptible to colds and other infections.

Hence, for physical and emotional benefits, the best way to deal with stress is to turn to natural alternatives which will prepare us to deal with stressful situations better. Stress management teaches us healthier ways in which we can cope with stress.

Take a Break

While it will be difficult for you to take a break from the stressor – preparing for an important project, or having to deal with your crying baby or your mounting bills, but stepping away from it to do something which you love will help you to deal with it better when you return back to it. So take a 20-minute break and devote time to yourself to manage your stress effectively.

Become Socially Active

Take some time out to go out with friends and family members. When in a stressful situation, turn to them. Though your best friend or a family member may not be able to give a solution to your problem, talking to someone who you trust and who understands you, would help to relieve your stress.

Meditate and Practice Deep Breathing

When in stress, take a break for a few minutes and do some deep breathing; Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Meditation helps the body to relax and the mind to focus and is one of the most popular techniques used for physical and mental relaxation. Even a brief meditation would help you to reap immediate benefits.

Incorporate Exercise into Your Routine

Exercising regularly helps to maintain health and feel good about you. Physical activity induces the brain to release feel-good chemicals helping you to take a positive approach to any stress-inducing situation. Devote at least 30 minutes, three to five days a week, to exercises involving both your arms and legs; take a walk, jog, practice yoga, swim, cycle or dance.

Control Your Diet and Sleep Better

A healthy body is better equipped to withstand any stressful event. So keep your body well-fed. Have a good breakfast and keep healthy and energy-boosting snacks with you. Cut down coffee and alcohol which are known to aggravate nervousness and can also trigger panic attacks. Stop smoking and make sure you get 8-hours of sleep everyday to keep your mind fresh and active to face the hassles of everyday life.

Essential Oils for Stress Management

The oils of chamomile, bay, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, thyme, rose and anise are soothing and can help to calm a mind in turmoil. Place rock salt in a vial and add a few drops of oil of your choice. Whenever in stress, open the vial and deeply breathe in the fragrance and feel the stress slipping away from you. Click here to know more about essential oils and their benefits for managing stress.


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