Home Remedies To Protect Your Skin From Sun Rays
Image source- womansaga
Sun tan is big problem for everyone because of sun rays damages our skin tissues and its causes of serious disease also. Here are some of the most popular and effective home remedies and methods to remove that horrid sun tan.
Aloe Vera Gel- Aloe Vera is undoubtedly one of the excellent home remedies for sun tan. It will lighten the skin in as little as a week. Apply daily Aloe Vera gel before go to bed and rinse off in morning. If applied daily to the affected area. It also helps cleanse and nourish the skin.
Lemon Juice- Lemon is great for curing sun tanned skin due to its natural bleaching Contains. Just simply take some fresh lemon juice and apply on affected area of the skin, keep it five to ten minute and wash it off with water, You can also mix sugar in it because of sugar has best cleansing properties. Repeat this process two or three days in a week.
Milk and Turmeric- Turmeric is not only important for its amazing medicinal properties, but also for its amazing effects on the skin. It is beneficial for both the internal and external. And we all know that how useful milk is. Milk and turmeric making your skin sun tan free. Take 2 tablespoon milk and one pinch turmeric make it smooth paste and apply on the face and rinse off after 10 minute.
Coconut Water- Coconut water is an abundant and cheap source to get rid of suntan and also your thirst. It’s very easy to apply just take some coconut water in your hand and apply on face keep it for thirty minutes only and rinse it off, this treatment works instantly. You can also drink tender coconut water regularly as a natural energy drink.
Lemon and Aloe Vera Face Pack- We all know that lemon has bleaching properties which helps to toning our skin. And aloe Vera uses as cleanser which cleans our skin and make it smooth and supple. Take some fresh Aloe Vera gel and some drop of fresh lemon juice, apply on the face directly, keep it 5-7 minute and rinse off with water.
Almond and Milk- A paste made from almonds will cleanse, scrub and lighten your skin tone. Soak five to six Almonds in water after soaking grind it with milk and make smooth paste. Apply it on clean face till dry the wash it off. Does it daily before go to bed till fifteen days after that twice in a week.
Lotion- There are many organic lotions, scrubs, sprays and creams in market which is very useful for sun tan and there is no side effect at all because of its natural ingredients.
Glycerine- Glycerine is also powerful for sun tan. It is cheap product to use for skin. You can take some sugar and fresh lemon juice and few drops of glycerine mix it together and make paste, apply on face gently and after keeping 10 minute rinse it off. You can use glycerine on lips also it makes skin smooth and supple.
Chandan pack- Sandalwood is a common ingredient in many beauty products. It helps to glow, tone your skin and remove sun tan and completion. Take one tablespoon sandalwood power and equally take pure turmeric powder add some drops of rosewater make it thick paste and apply on face, keep it 10 to 15 minute and wash it off with lukewarm water. For best result use it twice or thrice in a week.