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Top viruses that could trigger the next pandemicIn a world with interconnected borders, the looming threat of the next pandemic is always looming and although significant research and strides were made during the COVID pandemic, new and reemerging viruses could very well trigger the next pandemic to test the steel of our healthcare infrastructure.

Here are the 3 most likely viruses that could trigger a global pandemic.


Discovered back in 1976, this silent killer has been emerging quite frequently in the central African region. And with symptoms so gruesome and a high mortality rate, any ebola outbreak can be quite difficult to control. With African nations lacking adept medical infrastructure, containing the outbreak does have its fair share of challenges.

The virus jumps host from a wild animal to a human and can cause acute fever which often leads to death. Plus, a lack of antivirals and vaccines, can make an ebola outbreak into a global threat.


Consider Marburg as the distant and mostly overshadowed relative of the ebola. First discovered in 1967 in Serbia and Germany, Marburg exhibits similar symptoms to that of ebola.

Cases of Marburg have been noted recently in African nations like Kenya and Angola, and the lack of antivirals for Marburg makes it also quite a challenge to control in case of an outbreak.


If you were born before the turn of the century, you might remember the SARS panic of 2002. Emerged in Southern China, SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is a type of coronavirus that affects the respiratory functions of a human. Similar to the virus that caused the COVID 19 pandemic, SARS is highly contagious and can spread quite easily through air.

The SARS virus attacks the respiratory organs and can cause severe distress and even fatality in some cases. And as the COVID 19 pandemic has shown the unpreparedness of dealing with such global outbreaks, surveillance and research are key to monitoring and responding to any future outbreaks of SARS.

As the world still reels in from the devastation the pandemic has left in its wake, medical and research infrastructure is key to combating any potential future threats. While these three viruses represent just a few examples that have come to global attention, there are plenty of invisible unknown threats that might loom over. Emphasizing the importance of global cooperation and the preparedness to prevent outbreaks, should be the real need of the hour. And this should be our key to defending the world against the next global health crisis.

Frequently asked questions

How is Marburg related to the Ebola virus?

Both the Marburg and Ebola viruses belong to the same Filoviridae family. This can be evident from the similar symptoms they cause.

Are there any vaccines available for ebola and Marburg?

Ebola and Marburg do not have any specific treatments or vaccinations. However, research is ongoing for a better response to any outbreak.

How are SARS and COVID 19 related?

Both SARS and COVID 19 are coronaviruses that cause respiratory diseases and are transmitted via water droplets in the air.

When was the most recent ebola outbreak?

The most recent cases of Ebola were reported in 2021 in the DRC or the Democratic Republic of Congo.