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Zinc, being an important mineral, plays a vital role in protein synthesis and helps regulate the cell production in the immune system of the human body. Zinc is mostly found in the strongest muscles of the body and is found in especially high concentrations in the white and red blood cells, eye retina, skin, liver, kidneys, bones and pancreas. The semen and prostate gland in men also contain significant amounts of zinc. In the human body, there are more than 300 different enzymes that require zinc to function normally. There are organs of the human body which secrete Zinc, such as the salivary gland, the prostate gland and the pancreas. Even cells involved in the activity of the immune system secrete zinc. The most important health benefits of zinc are listed below.
- Skin Care
Zinc’s most vital functions is to stimulate white blood cell function. White blood cells are integral in the healing process and can defend the body against a number of infections, including those that commonly attack canker sores, ulcers, burns, surgical incisions, and other various wounds. Zinc is also required for the production of collagen, a connective tissue that is required for skin repair and regrowth.
- Acne
This mineral is important for eliminating acne from the skin. It regulates and controls the amount of testosterone in the body, which plays a dominant role in causing acne. In addition to that, zinc is also involved in collagen synthesis. This further aids in normalizing the amount of skin oils and improves the maintenance of healthy skin. The open sores that come with acne are practically magnets for bacterial and viral infections, and zinc can stimulate the white blood cell count and reduce the chances of any type of infection.
- Sense of Smell and Taste
Zinc is one of the most important elements for a healthy life, but it has some very unique benefits as well, including the improvement of the senses of taste and smell. Taste buds and olfactory cells are zinc-reliant, and it is necessary for the proper development and growth of those specific cells. Studies have shown that raising zinc levels can heighten these two senses, because they are finally functioning at optimal levels.
- Prostate disorder
Zinc is very important in dealing with prostate disorders. Its deficiency causes enlargement of the prostate gland and makes it vulnerable to cancer. It is advisable to take 15mg of zinc every day, under close medical observation, when suffering from prostate disorder. Studies have shown a reduction in tumor growth in the prostate when normal levels of zinc are present in the system.
- Cancer
In males, zinc plays a vital role in the prostate gland and prevents premature damage or strain, which can lead to problems like cancer. The natural antioxidant properties of zinc means that it actively seeks out free radicals, the hazardous byproducts of cell metabolism that can cause a number of diseases. Free radicals can morph normal cells into cancerous cells by breaking down the DNA integrity so the elimination of free radicals by antioxidants is one of the most vital lines of defense against many kinds of cancer.
- Reproduction
In males, zinc assists in spermatogenesis and the development of the sex organs, while in females, zinc aids in all the reproductive phases, including the parturition and lactation stages. When it comes to sperm, zinc acts in a number of ways. First of all, it acts as a sort of sedative for the sperm so they don’t expend unnecessary energy. The zinc also protect the reproductive DNA inside the sperm from breaking down, so a correct transference of information is guaranteed. Once the sperm enters the female reproductive tract, it quickly dissipates and the sperm have a sudden burst of energy, which propels them up the tube. Finally, zinc is an essential part of the enzymes that allow sperm to penetrate the egg.
- Pregnancy
Zinc is essential for the repair and functioning of DNA. It is essential for rapid growth of cells and for the building of major constituents of the cell over the course of a pregnancy. So much development and enzymatic activity takes place during pregnancy that zinc is one of the most important nutrients for infants and mothers.
The most important food source for zinc is meat, and other products like oysters, turnips, peas, oats, peanuts, almonds, whole wheat grain, pumpkin seeds, ginger root and pecan nuts have smaller, but still worthwhile amounts of this mineral.