Neha Agarwal
21 years
Product Use:
Hair Loss Treatment Kit
Well-being problem I was facing:
Being at your twenties, it is highly important to take care of your personality as a whole including looks as well. Owing to my stressful schedule that has college pressure, internship pressure and many other personal problems, it was difficult for me to give attention to myself personally. As a result it showed its impact on my skin and my hair. Constant tensions indulged in severe hair fall and rough texture of hair resulting in thinning of hair and itching on the scalp. Carelessness along with excessive use of chemicals emerged a catastrophe for my hairs which were ruined badly. As a Delhi resident, my hair condition owes to the increasing pollution and dirt in the city as well. All this lowered my self-confidence and affected my daily life and work.
How I found the solution that worked for me:
Due to the above problems, whenever I got little idle time I used to surf on internet regarding the solutions to my problems. One day I came through the site of Joybynature and checked its products and reviews. I was overwhelmed by it as that was something I was looking for. Still I was waiting for the product to be delivered. Not only for my hair fall problem but this site has products related to every problem, you just have to name it. It is one complete site for all the worries.
What was the solution and how long did you implement it:
I had ordered a complete Hair Loss Treatment Kit which included the natural anti-hair loss shampoo, natural anti-hair loss conditioner, hair oil and a Neem wooden comb. I used the product for about thrice a month and did the oiling overnight. Within a month I could witness the difference in my hairs as the hair fall was reduced to a minimum and I got back the natural shine of my hair. Split ends were repaired and itching completely vanished. The volume had been increased and I could walk confidently with my hair open to flaunt, without any hesitation. I have been using this amazing product since 4 months and a great deal of satisfaction has been received by me.
Recommendation for others facing the same issue:
I would recommend others this product and also this site as it has all the right organic products, which gives us the right natural nutrients and vitamins needed and makes us fell rejuvenating and confident. This site is highly beneficial as it provides the chemical free solution. It also gives the description of full product helping us to choose product accordingly. Using this product had changed my life and I am sure you can experience the same. Stay organic, Stay healthy.

Mehak Chopra
20 years
Product Use:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Well-being problem I was facing:
I am a young girl but a few months back I felt as if I have entered the age of 40-45. I felt very low and had no stamina to even walk for a few metres. Now that was very depressing for me because I could not have that energy in me. But soon one of my sisters advised me to start consuming apple cider vinegar. Therefore, I chose the Joybynature Apple Cider Vinegar which is organic vinegar. The changes that I experienced within a few weeks were miraculous. I started feeling very energetic without taking any supplements. This not only made me more active but also helped me lose weight and stay fit.
How I found the solution that worked for me:
My sister saw my problem which was bringing me down and eating away all my stamina. She suggested me to use this product as she was also using it for her skin and also found a change in her energy levels. She gave me the Joybynature Apple Cider Vinegar that she was using since a month and made sure that I was taking it regularly. The difference that I found in myself was unbelievable. This was by far the best thing and I couldn’t resist myself from continuing the use. This not only changed my stamina but also helped me lose weight and gain a perfect body as I always wanted to.
What was the solution and how long did you implement it:
The solution of apple cider vinegar was a complete life changer. The me was dull and lazy whereas the new me is energetic and active. I have been using apple cider vinegar for a month and intend on continuing its use. This product is absolutely free from all types of chemicals and after starting to consume this, I never found the need to consume any other supplement for boosting my energy.
Recommendation for others facing the same issue:
- First of all, you must take care of the diet you take. A balanced diet is a must if you are trying to boost up yourself. A balanced diet gives you right amount of energy and power to perform all your daily routine activities and helps you in including an extra physical activity to help you maintain yourself.
- Include apple cider vinegar in any form which is comfortable for you. Joybynature Apple Cider Vinegar is made with honey that not only gives you a stingy taste but also some sweetness of honey. This vinegar can be easily used to make a boring salad tastier. Also you can easily experiment with this ingredient by making some amazing salads and dishes.
- It is a multi- purpose product that can solve many issues that you face in your daily life. This vinegar can be used for a number of problems like skin problems, blood sugar regulator, etc.
- It also facilitates good digestion. A good digestion is a must for everyone and can be achieved by consuming organic food products like Joybynature Apple Cider Vinegar. It boosts your digestion and keeps you away from problems like constipation, stomach infections, etc.

Farhana Yasmin
21 years
Product Use:
Coconut oil
Well-being problem I was facing:
I used to have beautiful pitch black wavy hair until I started staying at a hostel for college. The water there was terrible and my precious hair did not adjust to the change very well. After a stay of about three months my hair started falling drastically, and I could see that the volume was going down. Within 6 months it got reduced to almost half of the original volume. By this time I had hit panic mode and started trying all sorts of hair care products. Nothing seemed to work until my friend suggested me to try organic products.
How I found the solution that worked for me:
So here I was, googling for organic hair care products, on a desperate search to find a solution for my hair problem. Then I came across this wonderful site called joybynature.com, which was practically a haven of organic products. There I found a coconut oil that goes by the name Keranidhi Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. And boy, that turned out to be a lifesaver! I purchased it and started applying it to my hair every day before my shower. With continuous use for over a month, I could see visible difference in the volume of my hair!
What was the solution and how long did you implement it:
I have been using Keranidhi Organic Virgin Coconut Oil for over 4 months now. I bought the 500 ml bottle and there’s still plenty left. The first one month I used to apply it daily, and after that I reduced the frequency to alternate days. I have regained much of the lost volume and I have to say, my hair has never looked more beautiful. I’m thinking of reducing the frequency of usage to once a week.
Recommendation for others facing the same issue:
When you apply oil to gain volume, you need to make sure that you cover every inch of your scalp. I know it sounds daunting, but trust me, it’s worth the effort. Don’t forget the tips as well, for the oil is a good remedy for split ends and frizzy tips. Also, whenever you shampoo your hair, make sure you apply the oil first. Shampooing without oiling can make the hair all frizzy and rough. And try to apply the oil at least 10 minutes before the shower so that it is properly absorbed. The longer it sits the better.

Soumita Das
23 years
Product Use:
Well-being problem I was facing:
I have faced the ordeals of having a super oily and sensitive skin since my school days. Any form of indiscipline in my regular diet would cause havoc on my skin. Breakouts were a part and parcel of my life. Acne was my best friend always clinging to my face. This constantly lowered my self-esteem and I kept myself locked in house and refused to socialize.
How I found the solution that worked for me:
A friend came as a saviour. She had been using Joybynature Organic Raw Honey in her dietary as well as beauty regimen. She introduced me to the wonderland of Joybynature. Since I started using this honey, I have noticed a great deal of difference. My skin looks healthier and I have been able to keep my acne problems at bay.
What was the solution and how long did you implement it:
I used Joybynature Organic Raw Honey in my diet by incorporating it in my morning green tea. Honey has natural sweetening agent so it also reduced daily sugar intake which at times causes acne. In addition, honey has antibacterial properties which also helps in treating acne caused by bacteria. I used this joybynature organic raw honey regularly on my face for 3 months and noticed outstanding results. I have been using this miracle honey in my tea for last six months and it has made my skin healthy and glowing.
Recommendation for others facing the same issue:
- Firstly I would suggest that switch to organic products. There is nothing better that this. Commercially produced products contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides which are the main reason behind many health problems. Try to incorporate more and more organic products in daily diet and lifestyle products. Joybynature has opened up a whole world of healthy living at my feet and I loving my organic lifestyle.
- For acne treatment I would suggest that try to stay far away from sugar and too much of sweet. Include honey in the diet by adding it in juices and tea to put an end to your skin woes.
- Use honey as conditioner to get healthy hair. Mix 1 table spoon honey with 2 table spoon of coconut oil and apply it to damp hair at least twice a week. It will give you a lustrous hair.
- Exercise regularly. There is no shortcut to this. Walk for an hour or run to keep your system healthy. This will not only help in improving your metabolism but also give you more energy, thereby making you more productive.
- Drink a lot of water. This will work wonders for you as it cleanses your system from the toxins. Avoid unhealthy lifestyle.

Soumita Das
23 years
Product Use:
Well-being problem I was facing:
I have faced the ordeals of having a super oily and sensitive skin since my school days. Any form of indiscipline in my regular diet would cause havoc on my skin. Breakouts were a part and parcel of my life. Acne was my best friend always clinging to my face. This constantly lowered my self-esteem and I kept myself locked in house and refused to socialize.
How I found the solution that worked for me:
A friend came as a saviour. She had been using Joybynature Organic Raw Honey in her dietary as well as beauty regimen. She introduced me to the wonderland of Joybynature. Since I started using this honey, I have noticed a great deal of difference. My skin looks healthier and I have been able to keep my acne problems at bay.
What was the solution and how long did you implement it:
I used Joybynature Organic Raw Honey in my diet by incorporating it in my morning green tea. Honey has natural sweetening agent so it also reduced daily sugar intake which at times causes acne. In addition, honey has antibacterial properties which also helps in treating acne caused by bacteria. I used this joybynature organic raw honey regularly on my face for 3 months and noticed outstanding results. I have been using this miracle honey in my tea for last six months and it has made my skin healthy and glowing.
Recommendation for others facing the same issue:
- Firstly I would suggest that switch to organic products. There is nothing better that this. Commercially produced products contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides which are the main reason behind many health problems. Try to incorporate more and more organic products in daily diet and lifestyle products. Joybynature has opened up a whole world of healthy living at my feet and I loving my organic lifestyle.
- For acne treatment I would suggest that try to stay far away from sugar and too much of sweet. Include honey in the diet by adding it in juices and tea to put an end to your skin woes.
- Use honey as conditioner to get healthy hair. Mix 1 table spoon honey with 2 table spoon of coconut oil and apply it to damp hair at least twice a week. It will give you a lustrous hair.
- Exercise regularly. There is no shortcut to this. Walk for an hour or run to keep your system healthy. This will not only help in improving your metabolism but also give you more energy, thereby making you more productive.
- Drink a lot of water. This will work wonders for you as it cleanses your system from the toxins. Avoid unhealthy lifestyle.

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