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As with other types of tendinitis, Achilles Tendinitis is basically tendinitis of the Achilles tendon, that is an inflammation of the tendon that can causes extreme discomfort and pain for individuals. The location of the Achilles tendon on the foot makes it very difficult for people suffering from this condition to maintain a normal life without treating the problem in one way or another. Depending on your level of pain or severity of your Achilles Tendinitis, some of the following home remedies will be more helpful than others.


  1. R.I.C.E. Method

This may seem somewhat basic, but the R.I.C.E. method is probably the most effective and widely recognized way to ease the discomfort and pain of Achilles Tendinitis. It stands for Rest (because the constant strain on that area of your foot), Ice (icing your Achilles tendon regularly can help to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief), Compression (applying pressure and support to that area will help to stabilize the tendon and provide support to prevent any further strain )and Elevation (adding a bit of height helps blood flow to that area). Instead of making the blood vessels and capillaries in that area work harder, elevate your aching tendon and feel almost immediate relief.

  1. Castor Oil

In terms of more traditional remedies, castor oil has been used for generations as a cure-all, but when it comes to anti-inflammation, the nearly 90% of ricinoleic acid contained in castor oil makes for an ideal relief option for Achilles Tendinitis.

  1. Vitamin E Supplementation

As a naturally anti-inflammatory agent, vitamin E supplements can be a wise addition to a nutritional regimen if you suffer from Achilles Tendinitis. Vitamin E stimulates the circulatory system and functions as an antioxidant, removing free radicals that can exacerbate problems in the body and increase inflammation.


  1. Turmeric

One of the most well-known components of turmeric is curcumin, which is an anti-inflammatory substance. Therefore, by adding this flavorful spice to some of your meals and ensuring that you get that beneficial curcumin in your system, you can expect some easing of pain and a reduction in inflammation of the affected tendon.

  1. Lifestyle Change

Smoking is a major contributor to poor circulation, so as a patient suffering from Achilles Tendinitis, quitting smoking can significantly improve your chances of healing and avoiding more serious conditions. Quitting smoking can be hard, but when it comes to eliminating something that possibly hurts with every step you take, maybe it’s time to think about giving up the habit.

  1. Proper Shoes

Although mentioned earlier, footwear is one of the most essential ways to prevent the development of Achilles Tendinitis. Particularly for athletes and individuals who rely on their feet, calves, and ankles for much of their activity ( as rock climbers or bikers), having appropriate, supportive footwear is essential. That constant strain on the Achilles tendon while wearing improper shoes can have devastating effects.

  1. Stretching

Warming up your body, even before a normal day of commuting and work, is essential to keep those muscles healthy and active, which will prevent unexpected strains or stresses on delicate parts of the body, like the Achilles tendon. A quick five or ten-minute stretching session once or twice a day can do wonders for your flexibility and protect you from a wide range of health concerns.

Although this affliction usually affects athletes training in unsuitable or challenging conditions, such as long-distance runners, it can affect anyone with a relatively active lifestyle, particularly people who spend a lot of their time on their feet. While there are various invasive procedures that could possibly fix the problem, the Achilles’ tendon is a somewhat high-risk area for an operation, so home remedies are often suggested. Most importantly, remember that your body knows itself, so don’t push yourself while trying to overcome or relieve yourself of the pain from this unfortunate condition.




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