6 Incredible Uses Of Tea Tree Oil
Image Source: Health Spirit Green
Tea tree, also known as melaleuca, is well-known for its powerful antiseptic properties and ability to treat wounds. Tea tree oil, the volatile essential oil derived mainly from the Australian native plant Melaleuca alternifolia has been widely used throughout the world for at least the past 100 years. And for over seven decades, it’s been documented in numerous medical studies to kill many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi.Tea tree oil uses are numerous: making homemade cleaning products, diffusing it in the air to kill mold, applying it topically to heal skin issues and taking it internally to treat viral infections. It’s becoming an increasingly popular active ingredient in a variety of household and cosmetic products, including face wash, shampoos, massage oils, skin and nail creams and laundry detergents. Tea tree’s natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions make it an essential oil that should truly be part of everyone’s natural medicine cabinet.
The main constituents of Tea Tree oil, are Alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, Sabinene, Myrcene, Alpha Phellandrene, Alpha Terpinene, Limonene, Cineole, Gamma Terpinene, Para Cymene, Terpinolene, Linalool, Terpinenol and Alpha Terpineol.
There is so much more to tea tree essential oil than a boosted immune system and as a protective agent for your skin; let’s explore some of those other invaluable health benefits below.
- Works Wonders For Your Hair
Tea tree oil has proven very beneficial for the health of your hair and scalp. Like coconut oil for hair, tea tree oil has the ability to soothe dry, flaking skin, remove dandruff and even can be used for the treatment of lice. To make homemade tea tree oil shampoo, mix several drops of tea tree essential oil with aloe vera gel, coconut milk and other essential oils like lavender oil.
- Helps Fight Cold Effectively
The anti-bacterial action of tea tree oil can be airborne, which means it can be effective via steam bath. To clear up a sinus infection, add roughly 5-8 drops of tea tree oil to a bowl of freshly boiled water. Lean over the bowl, being mindful of the steam, and cover your head and the bowl with a towel. Breathe the steam for a good ten minutes at least twice daily to wipe out that nasty bacteria.
- Works As an Excellent Surface Cleaner
Another fantastic way to use tea tree oil is as a household cleaner. Tea tree oil has powerful antimicrobial properties and can kill off bad bacteria in your home. To try a homemade tea tree oil cleanser, mix with water, vinegar and lemon essential oil, then use it on your counter tops, kitchen appliances, shower, toilet and sinks.
- Heals as an Antiseptic
Open wounds are the most susceptible place to infection by bacteria and fungi and may result in sepsis or tetanus. Thus, they must be protected well in advance.Tea tree oil can be a wise preventative choice as it is an excellent antiseptic. It can be applied directly on the wounds, boils, sores, cuts or certain eruptions, including insect bites and stings, to protect them from infections. It is as good as any antibiotic, but without any of their adverse side effects.
- Aroma Therapy Can Boost Immune System
This essential oil has a stimulating effect on hormone secretions, blood circulation, and most importantly, on the immune system. It boosts immunity and acts as a shield against many different types of infections. That is why it is quite popular in aromatherapy, because not only does it blend well with many other oils, it can also provide you with internal benefits that would otherwise be impossible, since you are not allowed to ingest tea tree essential oil.
- Helps Fight Acne
Our skin is a thriving environment full of living microbes. Like the mouth, certain bacteria on the surface of the skin is necessary. On the other hand, some bacteria, such propiobacterium acnes can cause breakouts that aren’t so welcome. More so than fighting bacteria tea tree oil’s terpenes penetrate your pores, loosening up blocked oil and dirt that cause whiteheads, blackheads, and those painful red breakouts. Mix a drop or 2 with a smidge of coconut oil and use a cotton swab to apply.
So cherish that precious bottle of tea tree oil and treat yourself to some of these unique uses of the oil.