6 Health Benefits Of Butter
Image Source - Swiss Milk
Butter is traditionally derived from animal milks, most commonly cows, so butter, as with most dairy products, is is produced mainly in areas with cows. However, other kinds of butter can also be derived from the milk animals like sheep, buffalo, goats, and yaks. Bible tell us that butter has been around for millennia, has long been considered sacred, and has long been respected for its nutritious potential. Discover the benefits of butter below.
- Powerful antioxidant
Natural butter contains high levels of carotene, an unusual and essential nutrient for human beings. Carotene contributes to human health in two ways, either turning into antioxidants, or converting into vitamin A. In terms of antioxidants, about 60% of carotene taken in by the body is changed into these disease-fighting compounds in the body. These antioxidants are anti-infectious and can provide a boost to your immune system. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, it can benefit those parts of the body that have fat-soluble membranes, like the skin, eyes, mouth, throat, as well as the urinary and digestive tracts. There, it can promote cell regrowth and repair, protecting it from vulnerability to infectious substances.
- Anti-Cancer properties
High levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene have also been widely studied, and positive connections between these two nutrients and lower chances of colorectal and prostate cancer have been found. More research is still being done on vitamin A’s impact on breast cancer, but studies so far have been promising. Some of this benefit comes from the antioxidant capabilities of vitamin A, because they actively defend against cancerous growth and promote apoptosis (spontaneous cell death) within tumors, slowing down the metastasis of cancerous cells. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) has also been found in significant levels in butter, and has been connected in studies as a cancer prevention method. All in all, butter, when consumed in moderate quantities, can reduce your chances of developing cancer.
- Intestinal conditions
Among the many components of butter, it also contains glycosphingolipids. This special type of fatty acid can protect your body against a number of gastrointestinal issues and conditions, by contributing to the mucus layers along the membrane and making it more difficult for bacterial infections to bind to functioning receptors. Butter has a high level of glycosphingolipids within it, primarily because it is derived from another animal, so adding butter to your diet can increase your defenses in your stomach and digestive tracts.
- Thyroid health
Our thyroid gland is arguably the most important part of our endocrine system, and one of the essential relationships that it has is with vitamin A. Most people that have hypothyroidism or other thyroid related diseases are also deficient in vitamin-A. This helps the proper functioning and regulating of hormones to be created and secreted throughout the body. Butter has more vitamin-A than any other type of vitamin, so if you have thyroid issues, or want to prevent them from occurring, be sure to include butter in moderate amounts in your diet.
- Sexual dysfunction
Many of the fat soluble vitamins that can be found in butter are essential to human health, because they are necessary to take nutrients out of water-soluble vitamins.. Studies have shown that many of these fat-soluble vitamins can even improve sexual performance. Both vitamin A and D are important for proper brain and nervous system developments, but they are also needed for sexual development. Without those fats, as well as vitamin E, all men and women can experience a type of nutritional sterility, where their sexual characteristics don’t appear properly. It is no surprise that rates of sexual dysfunction and sterility have increased dramatically in the recent decades since butter consumption has declined. Butterfat is the best source of fat-soluble vitamins we have, yet many people are completely losing that part of their nutritive intake.
Despite the health benefits of butter, it is important not to forget that it is still composed mainly of fats, which can wreak havoc on certain people, particularly those with poor diets, are obese, or are trying to lose weight. Butter does contain unhealthy cholesterol, and if too much is consumed, it can lead to many health problems so avail the health benefits by practising restraint.