6 Home Remdies To Treat Chafting


Image source: Running Warehouse

When the skin from one part of your body continuously rubs against that of another body part or the clothing you are wearing, it produces friction. This friction peels off the skin, causing skin irritation, redness, and pain. This is called chafing. It gets worse with constant sweating and extra body weight.

How can chafing occur?

Chafing may appear anywhere on the body, but the thighs, underarms, groin, and waist are the areas that are affected the most. If not taken care of at a proper time, the irritation might increase and turn into bigger patches and rashes, which will lead to pain and a burning sensation. Soon, the skin in that area gets so sensitive that you feel irritation even with a mere touch or when washed with water.

How to treat chafing?

Here are a few home remedies to treat chafing and relieve the pain quickly.

Cold Compress To Treat Chafting

    Wrapping the area with a cold compress, relieves the pain and irritation for the time being. Just place the cold compress after removing it from the cover and cool it in a freezer for about an hour. Place it on the chaffed area and relax. Repeat this process 3–4 times in a day.



       Turmeric is a rich source of antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic in nature. It is great for treating skin-related problems. It makes one fair and heals cuts, wounds, and burns. Similarly, turmeric helps to heal the chafed skin. Just make a paste of turmeric powder with water and apply it to the chafed area. Secure it with cotton and a bandage to prevent it from staining your clothes. Rinse it off after 20–30 minutes. Repeat this process 2-3 times a day.

      Baby Powder

      Rubbing some baby powder on the thighs and other affected areas will absorb the moisture and reduce the irritation. It will also absorb the excessive sweat that your body has produced, thus preventing any further damage. Clean the chafed skin with an antiseptic and pat it dry. Now apply some baby powder to it and leave it as it is.

      Almond Oil

      Almond oil is a great moisturizing agent that helps treat many skin-related issues. It enhances the healing process because it is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants. Apply a handful of almond oil to the chafed skin area, gently massage it into your skin and let your skin absorb it. Repeat this process daily until your chaffed skin is healed. Alternatively, you can also use olive oil or coconut oil.


      Tea Tree Oil

       Tea tree oil is very beneficial for treating skin-related problems. Tea tree oil is used to treat both dry and oily skin problems and is also used to treat chafed skin. Drop some tea tree oil on a cotton ball and gently dab your skin with it. Remember that you should not directly apply the tea tree oil to your skin. Using a cotton ball will reduce the intensity of the application. Alternatively, you can also mix it with a carrier oil like almond oil or coconut oil and apply it to the affected area.

      Aloe Vera

      Aloe vera gel comes from the thick and fleshy leaves of the aloe vera plant. The aloe vera plant stores water in gel form in its leaves and this cool gel is very beneficial for most skin problems. Directly apply some aloe vera gel to the chafed skin and gently massage it into your skin. You can also use aloe vera gel to soothe the skin irritation. Mix 1/4th cup of aloe vera juice in a cup of brewed tea and add 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix them together well. Dab a clean cotton cloth in this solution and apply it to the chafed skin 2-3 times a day.


      So here are a few tips to soothe the skin irritation caused by chafing. The best way to stay away from it is to prevent it from happening. Remember to wear loose clothes made out of natural and organic fiber, like organic cotton; this will prevent your skin from irritation and chafing. Also, if you are overweight, try losing some weight; this will prevent your thighs and arms from rubbing with some other body part, which creates friction and chafes the skin.


      Frequently asked questions

      Is it advisable to continue physical activity with chafed skin?

      It's best to allow chafed skin to heal before resuming intense physical activity.

      Can a warm bath help alleviate chafing symptoms?

      Soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salts can soothe chafed skin and reduce inflammation

      Can chafing occur in cold weather?

      Cold weather and wind can strip the skin of moisture, making it more susceptible to friction-related irritation.

      Does shaving or waxing contribute to chafing?

      Shaving or waxing certain areas can make the skin more susceptible to chafing.

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