Image Source: Natural Living Ideas
Diffuser oils can be used in many ways. It is very good for the aromatherapy of your child. It acts as a good mosquito repellent and provides you with the good aromatic environment.
Diffuser Oils have the potential to repel mosquitoes and provide you with a nice smelling, mosquito free environment. Many therapists suggest aromatherapy for small children, starting from infants. You can introduce aromatherapy to your child from the moment they are born, though, proper precaution should be taken as these oils are very much concentrated and should be used on infants only after diluting it.
In what ways diffuser oils can be used?
Diffuser oils have various uses. Some of them have been listed below.
- An essential use of diffuser oil for children is “aromatherapy”. These oils help in healing, relaxing the senses and help in improving mood.
- Diffuser oils act as mosquito repellents that keep the mosquitoes away from your child. Hence, keeps your child protected from diseases.
- It creates a soothing and nice aroma for your child.
Things to remember while giving aromatherapy to your child
- You should be very careful as what oil you use for the aromatherapy of your child. It is advisable to use Lavender, Dill or Yarrow oil if you are introducing a newborn child to it. After 6 months of the birth of your child, you can start using oils like Ginger, Tea Tree or Palma Rose.
- These are great for skin massage, but the diffuser oil should be diluted before use as they may cause skin irritation if used in the concentrated form.
- If you are using diffuser oil for your baby’s bath, dilute it in 1/3 of a cup of milk and then mix it in the bathing water.
- Diffuser oils are good for healing cold. The dosage should be given after consulting a doctor or aromatherapy specialist.
- The oil should be kept in dark bottles, in clean and dry place, away from the reach of children.
Diffuser oils serves for your various needs and maintains a healthy and calm environment for your house. Being a homemaker, these diffuser oils become an essential part of your life and helps to keep your family healthy. It energises the environment at your house and helps in maintaining a happy and peaceful aroma.
For browsing through more products of diffuse oils provided by Joy by Nature, click here.