Image Source: Handsonaswegrow
If you want an orchestra always playing in your house then buy wind chimes for your home. They serve an excellent purpose in home decoration too. The designs range from a set of rods hanging to the simplest of shells clinging to each other. However, wind chimes have a history, not known to may of us. Wind chimes at home are not only for decoration but also have various other benefits too.
Have you heard about health benefits of wind chimes?
Here it is. There are tremendous health benefits of wind chimes. Wind chimes are a form of therapy. Feng Shui has recommended wind chimes for treatment of the mind. Dealing with the stress is our daily affair. Feng Sui suggests that to relax our fatigued nervous and calm our souls wind chimes at home is a must. The soft soothing sound helps us forget the day’s tension and helps us to fall off to sleep. Feng Shui treatment through wind chimes varies according to the treatment one desires. The number of rods on the wind chimes depends on the kind of illness or discomfort faced by the individual.
Getting rid of pest
If I tell you that you can control pests at home through wind chimes will you believe me? It’s true, they keep away pest from your house. Wind chimes at home relaxes us by their relaxing sound but at the same time the sound which these wind chimes produce cannot be tolerated by the pests and insects, thus pushing them away from you and your homes.
Wind chimes at home are not only restricted to the windows and the door
Most people prefer hanging wind chimes on their windows and doors. You can think out of the box, you can put it in your veranda; you can also hang it in your kitchen. Placing it in the nursery too can be a great idea. Those who have a garden, you can think of tying it in the porch. When gardening or when you are relaxing on the porch wind chimes are a great way to reconnect to nature.
Gift option
Very often, we are flabbergasted on what gift we can give people. Wind chimes are a great option for both men and women. Since wind chimes at home are highly beneficial, they are a must have in the houses and therefore a great gift too.
For the best and beneficial wind chimes which are organic click here.