Homemade Fertilizers for your Garden
Image Source: Cpaantoniosecola
When it comes to gardening, chemical or synthetic fertilizers are something that is easily available in the store. But when the preference changes from chemical fertilizers to organic ones, the supply becomes limited. You don’t easily get organic fertilizers for your garden. And even if you do, with the tag of “organic” in them, that still might be a hoax and it still might be “chemicalised”.
Instead of purchasing fertilizers from the market where you are not even sure of their authenticity and wasting your money, making your own organic homemade fertilizers proves to be more beneficial and inexpensive.
The main and vital nutrients present in the premixed fertilizers are N-P-K, which stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. These nutrients are required for strong aerial growth, root development, and overall plant health, respectively.
Apart from the necessary N-P-K, fertilizers also require secondary minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur. Boron, copper, iron are some of the main micro-nutrients which a plant must have.
Garden soil should generally have a pH between 6.0 and 6.5.
Some of the organic fertilizers which can be beneficial for your garden soil are:
- Tomato Fertilizers
A tomato vine is something that loves nothing but calcium. These plants work the best when they are offered a high amount of nitrogen. But once the vines get established, switching to the fertilizers which are rich in phosphorus and potassium but low in nitrogen is highly recommended.
- Up-cycling Fertilizers
The household items which are thrown so carelessly in the dustbin everyday can be beneficial for your gardens.
Used coffee grounds when mixed with yard waste like dead leaves or dry straw increases the nitrogen level in the soil.
Eggshells contain 96% calcium. They strengthen the transportation process of nutrients and cellular structure when used as a fertilizer.
- Vinegar Fertilizers
Acid-loving plants like roses and berries are in love with vinegar. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar in one gallon of water and see the wonders it does to your plants and the soil.
- Composting
It is a process which works wonders for the soil and helps in recycling the waste materials. Dead leaves and straw, grass clippings, air and water are the essential ingredients to do composting.
- Compost Tea
Use the ingredients which were initially required to make the compost, and turn it into the tea for your plants. Fill five-gallon bucket about a third of the way with the compost material. Add water from the above. Leave the solution for three to four days and strain the compost out. Take the solid material out and make it as a food for your garden or add it to the compost pile.
Used tea leaves can also act as an amazing fertilizer for your soil.
- Epsom Salts
Take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and combine it with water and put it into a spray. It becomes really beneficial for your garden.
So, dear reader, instead of going the chemical way to preserve your gardens, go the organic way and give life to your plants. Remember, they love fresh things as much as you love it.