Every beauty expert or dermatologist you have ever visited must have spoken to you about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. But they don’t mean that just for overall good health. A nutritional diet comprised of specific necessary vitamins and minerals are important to keep your skin glowing and your hair soft and shiny. Eating right will not only keep your body and organs fit internally, they will also ensure that you look your absolute best from the outside as well.
So if you are planning to go on a diet any time soon, make sure to add these few foods too which will help you enhance the quality of your skin and hair as well.
- Pumpkin seeds
Although tiny in size, pumpkin seeds are packed with a number of essential elements integral to maintaining healthy skin and hair. They contain zinc, Vitamin A, and omega 3 fatty acids which promote the development of a healthy hair shaft. They also contain nutritional fatty acids and Vitamin C which encourage the natural production of oil, known as sebum, to help nourish, repair and heal the skin. To find out how you can consume pumpkin seeds, click here.
- Walnuts
This wonder nut too carriers a great deal of beneficial properties for the body. The protein rich composition of walnuts boosts the hair follicle giving you a longer, stronger and fuller mane. It also contains omega 3 and omega 6 acids which help the body retain moisture giving your skin a natural dewy glow and helping your hair shine. Replace your chips with some walnuts as a snack and you’ll be on your way to improving your hair and skin in no time. To know more, click here.
- Tomatoes
Extremely high in antioxidant properties, tomatoes are the superheroes of the food world. The naturally occurring elements in tomato help to protect the skin from excessive sun damage and heal it after exposure to UV rays. You can find new ways to add tomatoes to your diet here.
- Oats
Oats contain high amounts of zinc, biotin, magnesium, potassium and not to forget, carbohydrates. These are the nutrients which fortify the roots and hair shaft and help prevent breakage due to weak or brittle strands. The carbohydrate content of oats also keeps the hair healthy and prevents it from looking dull and lifeless. Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet can lead to rapid hair loss. To know how to add oats to your daily routine, click here.
- Almonds
Another powerful dry fruit, almonds, are not only a great source of protein but are also heavy on magnesium content. Magnesium helps fight off stress which can be a major factor for hair loss. The appearance of ridges on the nails can also be an indication of magnesium deficiency. Consume small quantities of almonds daily and give your hair and skin the boost they need.
- Dates
Iron is a very important part of hair and skin health. Eating foods rich in this mineral is vital to replenish and maintain the body’s iron store. Dates are one such food that is high in iron content. Lowered levels of iron in the body lead to a condition known as anaemia, which is a leading cause of hair loss and making the skin appear lacklustre. Consume two to three pieces of dates daily to fuel your body sufficiently and maintain quality of hair and skin. To know more about different ways to eat dates, click here.
They say you are what you eat. So why not enrich our diet with the best kinds of food that it will reflect in our body, hair and skin too. These delicious ingredients are a great way to give your taste buds something to enjoy while your hair and skin reap the benefits. Sounds like quite the ideal deal doesn’t it? Don’t hesitate to try these foods out and you will surely reap the benefits!