Can Alzheimer’s disease be Prevented?
Alzheimer's Disease is a form of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior in an adverse manner. Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible and progressive mental disorder that causes memory loss, destroys thinking ability and eventually interferes so much in life that a person is not able to carry out the simplest of the tasks. The actual cause of this mental disorder is not known. According to some researchers, Alzheimer's occurs due to the lack of certain chemicals in the brain. These chemicals transmit signals from the brain and when the chemical is absent the signals are not transmitted effectively hampering the brain function. As the diseases progresses, proteins build up in the brain that causes tangles and plaques in the brain. This causes the nerves to lose connections among themselves and eventually the nerve cells dies and the brain tissue gets damaged. Over time, other parts of the brain also get damaged and the brain stops functioning altogether.
The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease vary from person to person. No two Alzheimer's patients have the same symptoms though the earliest symptoms are usually connected with memory loss. Some people may have problem with language and may struggle to follow a conversation. Some patients of Alzheimer's have problems visual- spatial skills. There are others who have problems concentrating, organizing and planning. Changes in mood are also early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Depending on the symptoms, Alzheimer's disease can be classified into:
Mild Alzheimer's Disease: This is characterized by memory loss and cognitive difficulties. A patient may experience problems like getting lost, wandering, repeating questions, taking longer to complete routine tasks and personality and behavioral changes.
Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: In this, the brain area that controls language, reasoning, sensory perception and conscious thoughts gets affected and damaged. Patients suffering from this disease have problems learning new things. Patients may even suffer from paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations and may even behave impulsively.
Severe Alzheimer's Disease: In this, the patients suffer from complete brain damage. Patients with severe Alzheimer's disease cannot communicate and their body also shuts down. This type of Alzheimer's ultimately leads to death.
Preventing Alzheimer's Disease
There is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease till now. However, the disease can be prevented and for those suffering from it, steps can be taken to help them live better with the condition. Alzheimer's is a complex disease with multiple risk factors and it can best be prevented by changing the lifestyle and ensuring that a healthy lifestyle is maintained or by using some drugs. Below are a few things that can be carried out to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
- Regular exercise: Research has proved that regular physical exercise can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Aerobic exercises can reduce the risk of dementia by 50 percent. A regular exercise regime helps to maintain brain health. Exercise also reduces and slows down deterioration of cognitive health in patients who have already developed this problem.
- Healthy diet: Taking a balanced and healthy diet is perhaps one of the best ways to prevent Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's can be prevented by avoiding foods that contain fats and trans- fats. Fats increase inflammation and also produce free radicals which adversely affect the brain health. To prevent Alzheimer's, one must take a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables and foods that protect glial cells.
- Quality sleep: Research has associated lack of sleep to increased levels of a brain clogging protein that interferes in sleep essential for memory formation. To prevent Alzheimer's, it is essential to get 8 hours of sleep. Deprivation of night sleep affects thinking and mood and thus may lead to the development of Alzheimer's.
- Mental stimulation: Mental stimulation is important for preventing Alzheimer's. People who practice memorization, learn something new, play with puzzles, riddles and strategy games and keep their brain challenged are less likely to develop Alzheimer's.
- Stress management: Stress and especially chronic stress is not good for the brain. Stress leads to shrinkage of hippocampus and hampers the growth of nerve cells thus in increasing the risk of Alzheimer's. Stress management with relaxation activities can help prevent this disease.
Social engagement: Research shows that people who are socially well connected are at a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's. It is essential to stay socially engaged so that the brain can function better and stays active at all times.