7 Must Have Foods For A Glowing Skin
You have tried all sorts of commercial creams to get that glow back on your skin but all in vain. Well, we bring to you a few foods, which will surely help you in getting a radiant skin this festive season. Take a look!
- Amla
Amla is a rich source of vitamin A, which is an essential requisite for boosting collagen production. It is this collagen, which further helps in making you look young and radiant forever. Just consume one raw amla every day on empty stomach. You can also drink its juice regularly. It slows down the process of degeneration of collagen and thus, makes you look young and fresh.
To know about various health benefits of amla, click here.
- Carrot
Owing to the presence of beta-carotene, carrot is a great fruit for a healthy and glowing skin. This is so because this beta-carotene gets converted to vitamin A, which helps in fighting ageing signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Either add carrots to your regular diet of salads or drink a glass of carrot juice on a regular basis. The fiber content in it also keeps your digestive system on track.
To know more about the health benefits of carrot, click here.
- Lemon
Lemon is an age-old remedy for various beauty treatments and skin ailments. Owing to the presence of vitamin C and its astringent properties, it revitalizes the skin by cleaning it clean from inside. It is also a bleaching agent and therefore, helps you in giving a radiant glow. You can use it to remove blackheads and lighten scars.
All you need to do is squeeze half a lemon into a glass of warm water. Also add a spoon of honey to make it slightly sweet. Drink this concoction every morning on empty stomach. Besides, you can add lemon to your salads or use it in several homemade beauty packs.
Lemon is known to ward off several skin ailments. Therefore, it is used in several commercial beauty products. To know how, click here.
- Tomato
Tomato is another great fruit good for skin. It contains an antioxidant, known as lycopene. This antioxidant consists of age-defying properties and protects the skin from harmful UV rays. Also, applying tomato juice can lighten your scars, tighten pores and cure pimples.
You can either add tomatoes to your curries, slice them into your salads or mix the juice in various face packs.
- Apple
Apple is a must-have fruit to delay the signs of ageing. Owing to the presence of vitamin C, it ensures a firmer skin and gives a radiant glow to it. Also, it prevents the skin from the damage done by free radicals, thus protecting the skin for premature ageing.
Both eating an apple and drinking its juice can positively impact you skin. You can also apply its juice for a glowing skin.
- Beetroot
Antioxidants are quite essential for giving a radiant glow to the skin and fighting the signs of ageing. Basically, they help in flushing out the bad toxins from the inner skin, thus making it look young and fresh. Since beetroot is rich in antioxidants, its consumption becomes all the more important for you.
Besides, beetroot is rich in anthocyanins, which is again a powerful antioxidant needed for preventing the occurrence of wrinkles. You can consume it raw or in boiled form. Add it to your juices or curries.
- Spinach
Spinach is another vegetable packed with powerful antioxidants and thus helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Moreover, spinach is also helpful in strengthening skin tissues. Owing to the presence of anti-inflammatory properties, it can flush out bad toxins from the body as well and thus, giving you a radiant skin.
Be it in curries, sandwiches, salads or smoothies, spinach should definitely be added in your regular diet. Its consumption will help you in achieving a younger-looking and bright skin.