Know Your Dry Fruit - Cashews
Image Source – Mixed Treats
Cashews are super nuts native to the coastal areas of northeastern Brazil. They are kidney shaped seeds and are widely cultivated in places that have tropical climates. Discover the benefits of cashews below.
- Monounsaturated Fats for the Heart
Cashews are a good source of healthy dietary fats, which are essential for our body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and produce fatty acids that are vital for the development of the brain and blood clotting. These healthy fats include Monounsaturated fats or MUFA and polyunsaturated fats or PUFA. They are good for the heart and help to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) if consumed in appropriate quantities, even in individuals with diabetes. The inclusion cashews in the diet can provide these healthy unsaturated fats to the body.
- Healthy Muscles and Nerves
Cashews are a good source of magnesium, which is vital for the healthy development of bones, muscles, tissues, and organs of the body. Magnesium helps to maintain healthy blood pressure, sustain the immune system, maintain nerve function, and keep the bones strong. It also is involved in metabolic functions, influences the insulin activity and regulates the blood sugar levels of the body. A deficiency of magnesium alters the metabolism of calcium and the hormones responsible for its regulation.
- Chemotherapy
Research has shown that the wealth of antioxidants like anacardic acids, cardanols and cardols in cashews make them effective for people undergoing treatments for tumors and cancer. Ground cashews are a comparatively simple absorbed form of protein and are advised to be safe for such patients as well.
- Red Blood Cells
Cashews are rich in copper, which helps in the metabolism of iron, aids in the formation of red blood cells and helps in keeping bones and the immune system healthy. It is also vital for the nervous and skeletal system of the body. A deficiency of copper in the body may result in osteoporosis, irregular heartbeats, and anemia.
- Bone and Oral Health
Cashews also provide phosphorous, which is essential for the healthy development of teeth and bones. Phosphorous also aids in protein synthesis, absorption of carbohydrates and fats and the maintenance of cellular health.
- Immune System
Cashews contain zinc, which plays a vital role in the strengthening of the immune system against microbial infections, protein synthesis and the healing of wounds. It is extremely important during pregnancy for the growth of the baby and the developmental years of childhood to maintain a stable state of the body.
- Anemia
Cashews are a source of dietary, iron which is vital for carrying oxygen around the body and aids in the functioning of enzymes and the immune system. A deficiency of iron in the diet can lead to body fatigue, anemia, and an increased susceptibility to infections.
- Gallstones
Gallstones are stone-like deposits that usually consist of cholesterol that accumulates in the gall bladder. The regular inclusion of healthy nuts like cashews can help to lower the risk of formation of gallstones.
- Culinary Usage
Cashew nuts are tasty and highly sought-after nuts. They can be enjoyed either roasted or plain, and with or without salt. They are added to a various vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies and a range of confectionery food items like cookies, biscuits, and ice cream.
- Diabetes
The presence of very low amounts of sugar and no harmful cholesterol in cashews makes them safe for diabetic patients. It even helps in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Barring a few exceptions, they are a healthy option to be included in the diet. If consumed in appropriate quantities, they can help maintain a robust and steady state of health. Especially for vegetarians or vegans who avoid meat, nuts can stand as a good alternative to compensate for their share of essential nutrients.