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If you are always in a hurry every morning and are looking for breakfast recipes that are easy to make and can be eaten on the go, welcome! If you are a cheese lover, you are at an added advantage. There is a reason why I love muffins for breakfast. They take very little preparation time and longer cooking time while baking. You don’t have to check the oven, time and again with the fear of burning your muffins. That’s when you can complete your other morning chores like waking up the family, taking a bath or even exercising a little. Let’s begin with saying ‘cheese’!

  1. Cheesy Spinach Muffins




100 grams spinach

75 grams feta

100 g extra sharp cheddar

2 tomatoes

250 grams flour

Rock salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

2 eggs

60 ml oil

240ml milk

2 teaspoons thyme

1 teaspoon black pepper




Preheat your oven to 180-degree Centigrade. Grease your muffin pans and keep them aside.


Grate your cheddar cheese and crumble your feta cheese.


Finely chop the spinach or make a puree out of it in a blender. Slice the tomatoes in thin slices. Place a tissue paper on these tomato slices and press it a little. This will draw out all the moisture from these tomatoes.


In a large mixing bowl, put the flour, salt, baking powder, grated cheddar cheese, thyme, and black pepper. Basically, all your dry ingredients.


In another mixing bowl, whisk the eggs, add milk, spinach. Mix them well.


Pour the wet ingredients in the dry ingredients slowly and mix them together thoroughly, so that no lumps or air bubbles are formed.


Add crumbled feta and mix again.


Pour the batter in your greased muffin tin and place one tomato slice above it.


Sprinkle some salt and pepper along with some dried thyme on top of it.


Bake it in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes.


Remove them from the oven, allow to cool and remove from the pan.


Serve when warm and enjoy.


  1. Cheesy Jalapeño Muffins




250 grams flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon English mustard powder

450 grams extra sharp cheddar

2-3 jalapeño peppers

1-2 Fresno peppers

2 eggs

240 ml milk

60 ml oil




Preheat the oven to 180-degree centigrade. Grease the muffin pan and keep it aside.


Cut 12-15 thin slices of both the peppers and keep them aside for decoration. Chop rest of the peppers. Deseed if you are not too much into spice.


Grate the cheddar cheese.


In a large mixing bowl, add flour, baking powder, mustard powder, and salt. Add the cheese and mix it all thoroughly.


In another bowl, whisk the eggs, milk and oil.


Pour the wet ingredients on the dry ingredients and mix it all thoroughly so that no lumps and air bubbles are formed.


Add the chopped peppers.


Pour the batter in the muffin tin and pat lightly on the table.


Top them with extra cheese and the pepper slices.


Bake for around 30 minutes or until golden brown in color.


Remove them from the oven, allow to cool and remove from the pan.


Serve when warm and enjoy.


  1. Garlic Cheese Muffins




Muffin Mix:


1 and 1/2 cup flour

1/2 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 Cups cheese, shredded, whichever kind you prefer, I used sharp cheddar

1 Cup milk

1 egg

1/4 Cup unsalted butter, melted

2-3 garlic cloves


Garlic Glaze


1/2 Cup unsalted butter, melted

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon onion powder




Preheat oven to 180-degrees Centigrade. Grease your muffin tin and set it aside.


Thinly slice the garlic cloves.


In a large mixing bowl, add flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt together. Stir in cheese.


In a separate bowl, whisk together egg, milk and butter.


Pour this over the wet mixture and combine thoroughly with a spoon or fork, so that no lumps or air bubbles are formed.


Top it with some grated cheese and a couple of garlic slices.


Pour this batter in the greased muffin tins.


Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown on top.


Garlic Glaze:


Melt the butter in a thick bottomed pan, add garlic powder, and salt and stir to combine.

Evenly brush this glaze on the muffins as you take them out of the oven. Serve warm, enjoy!


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