Yummy Dessert Options Sans Any Sugar

Yummy Dessert Options Sans Any Sugar

Most of us love desserts! But owing to the presence of high amount of sugar content, they become extremely unhealthy. Also, they are just like poison for diabetic patients. But we cannot just stop craving for something sweet. Well, do not worry. We have a solution for you. We have listed down a few dessert options for you, which will surely help you satisfy your sugar cravings without adding to your sugar intake. Take a look.

  1. Cocoa-Covered Almonds

Curbing your sweet cravings is not so easy, especially chocolates. But we have a solution to make it healthy too. All you need is two cups of raw almonds, two tablespoons of agave syrup and two teaspoons of sea salt. Take a large bowl and mix all the ingredients well so that the almonds get coated properly. Now spread these coated almonds on a baking tray and then, bake them in the oven for 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Once they cool down slightly, empty them in a bowl and add two table spoon of cocoa powder in it. Mix well so that the unsweetened cocoa gets coated properly. This recipe will curb your sweet cravings and also prevent you from having sugar in excess quantity.

To know more about the health benefits of almonds, click here.

  1. Berries

Berries are a great and healthy substitute for desserts full of sugar. They are available in various colors and are equally different in flavors. They are a storehouse of antioxidants, which help in boosting immunity. Also, they possess anti-inflammatory properties, requisite for fighting the risk of cancer and heart ailments. You can consume berries like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. Well, it not just that you have to eat them like a fruit, you can add some honey on top of them to enhance the flavor. Also, blend them with yoghurt to make a yummy smoothie.

Strawberries area powerhouse of both vitamin C and antioxidants and therefore, are good for giving a radiant glow to the skin. To know more about their beauty benefits, click here.

  1. Flavored Yoghurt

Instead of consuming high fat ice-cream, opt flavored yoghurt. It is an extremely healthy option for satisfying sugar cravings. If you wish to sweeten your yoghurt, just blend them with some flesh berries and honey. Freeze them for an hour and your yummy flavored yoghurt ice-cream is ready. Besides, you can add dark chocolate pieces, fruits and some honey to turn your bland yoghurt into an amazing dessert recipe.

  1. Peanut Butter and Banana Ice Cream

This is another great option for sugar cravings. Just slice two bananas in a bowl. Now add a tablespoon of peanut butter to it and mix well. Take a flat tray and place a wax paper on it. Now arrange each banana slice on it keep freeze it for about three hours. Afterwards, churn these slices in a blender with one more spoon of peanut butter. You well get a smooth ice-cream type dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Bananas help in curing constipation too. To know how, click here.

  1. Smoothies

Smoothies are another great option for sugar cravings. Just blend your favorite fruit with some ice and yoghurt. Pour in a spoon of honey to make it sweet. Enjoy when it is chilled. This power-packed drink ensures instant energy after a hectic day at work.

  1. Fig and Almond Shake

Owing to the presence of calcium, manganese and potassium, figs have a sweet taste. When mixed with almonds, they give a perfect sweet and crunchy flavor. A milk shake made from figs and almonds is surely an energy boosting drink. Just blend some milk, honey, figs and almonds together. Enjoy this drink whenever you crave for something sweet.

  1. Slush

Slush does taste refreshing but is extremely high in sugar content. Instead prepare it using natural sweeteners. For making this, just blend some ice with any sweet fruit and some honey. And, your slush is ready.

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