6 Of The Healthiest Fruit


Fruits, nature’s desserts, are more good for you than you might know. They taste great, they are full of necessary nutrients, and they are a good substitute for a sweet end to a dinner, being absent of harmful sugars.


Nature also offers a variety of fruits to choose from, each with their own unique taste, and each with their own range of benefits. Even if you include just a few in your everyday diet, you’ll find that they do very good for you. Most of these fruits are easy to get your hands on and are very inexpensive, so there’s really little reason why you shouldn’t have them on your shelves.


Without any more delay, here’s a list of fruits with all their benefits:


  1. Avocado


Avocado is exotic and higher in price than most of the other fruits on this list, but this is balanced by the many benefits it has to offer. Its versatility is unmatched, as it can be used an oil as well.  Its nutrition is unmatched by fellow fruits, so do consider eating avocado if you can.


100 grams of avocado contains copious amount of the vitamins C, B5, B6, E, K and folates. It also contains the minerals copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and phosphorous. They are also rich in monounsaturated fat, which is the kind of fat that is good for the heart. It also reduces bad cholesterol in the body.


  1. Apples


The saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ has lost some of its punch over the years, but apples still are quite good for the body.


The most prominent benefit is that they have been discovered to be able to hold off Alzheimer’s, as it prevents aging in the brain. Similarly, it has been found to bolster the body against the degenerative disease Parkinson’s.


  1. Bananas


Who doesn’t love a banana? These fruits have a wide ranging list of benefits that touch both the brain and the heart. They are very rich in the mineral potassium, which is required for keeping your heart in tip top shape. It is also believed to protect your heart against high blood pressure. The banana blessed the mind with its possession of tryptophans, which stimulate the production of mood-enhancing chemicals. That’s right, the banana makes you happy.


  1. Blueberries


Blueberries are a delicious fruit. There’s no doubt about that. With that out of the way, let’s talk about its nutritional qualities.


They’re very low in calories, so you don’t have to worry about eating them by the handful. They contain a lot of fiber, which promotes healthy bowel movement and helps if you suffer from constipation. They are also rich in iron, potassium, manganese, and calcium. The last of those are important for good bone health, and this is something that blueberries offer.

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Vitamin C, as you very well know, is the orange’s great power. A single orange offers more than your daily requirement of Vitamin C. But that’s not the only important substance it possesses, it is also abundant in Vitamin B6, folate, copper, manganese and selenium. All the research put into oranges has learned that oranges reduce the chances of a stroke, regulates blood pressure levels, improves blood sugar levels and can tackle skin blemishes when applied topically on the skin.

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  1. Papayas


Papaya has one benefit that the other fruits on this list don’t: it prevents macular degeneration, which is a degeneration of muscle in the eye which tends to happen with age. Abundant in antioxidants, one study in Japan showed that Papayas reduced the risk of colon cancer. The fruit’s high fiber content means it is an excellent aid for digestion. Another result of the high fiber content is the positive effect on blood sugar levels, keeping them in check and staving off the effects of diabetes.



Those were six of the healthiest fruits nature has to offer. There are many more, of course, but these fruits really stand out in the amount they have to offer with each serving. Get started on them today!




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