As more and more scientific research is done into how to provide the human body with the best nutrition, we are discovering new foods that were previously unheard of. With the help of modern science, we now know to a great extent which nutrients, fats and carbohydrates are best for our bodies, and armed with that knowledge we can sift through thousands of natural plants and herbs to discover those that fulfil those nutritional needs. As a result, some surprising foods have gained prominence today, foods that twenty years ago nobody would have even heard of, let alone knew the health benefits of.
One such food that has emerged as a great nutritional supplement to our diet is wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is derived from the cotyledons or seed leaves of the traditional wheat plant. As wheatgrass is allowed to grow for a longer period than normal wheat and is dried at low temperatures (as compared to normal wheat which is dried at relatively high temperatures), it manages to retain a far greater nutritional value and nutrients than regular wheat. Usually, it is available in the form of Organic Wheatgrass Powder, which is mixed with water and served as a juice.
To shed more light on the properties of wheatgrass, here is a list of the health benefits it can provide:- |
- Helps in weight loss
Wheatgrass is a wonderful addition to your diet if you are looking to reduce your weight. Taking a shot of wheatgrass juice in the morning on an empty stomach ensures that your body gets a whole bunch of nutrition right at the start, including fiber and a variety of minerals. This helps in suppressing your appetite so you don’t overeat and thus have a better chance of controlling your weight.
- Boosts immunity
Wheatgrass is so healthy and nutritious, only 140 g of it can provide the same nutrients as 3 kg of green leafy vegetables. As such, it does a great job of boosting the body’s immunity to various diseases. Not only does wheatgrass keep diseases away, it also makes the recovery from certain illnesses swifter. Wheatgrass has an impressive catalogue of 90 minerals, 19 amino acids and vitamins B, E, K, H and C, which help in making the body resistant to diseases.
- Improves blood circulation
Wheatgrass is a valuable addition to the diet if your goal is to improve your blood circulation. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is almost identical to haemoglobin found in the blood (chlorophyll from wheatgrass has magnesium as the central element whereas haemoglobin has iron). As a result, the body is able to easily convert the chlorophyll to haemoglobin. More haemoglobin means more oxygen in the blood, which improves blood circulation in the body.
Apart from the above, chlorophyll improves blood pressure, reduces levels of carbon dioxide in the blood and increases metabolism.
- Detoxifies the body
Wheatgrass has also shown promise as a great detoxifier of the body. Wheatgrass is an extremely rich source of the compound saponin. When consumed, the saponin in wheatgrass stimulates the body’s lymphatic system which in turn helps in the removal of toxin from the cells.
Whether it is crystallized acids, impacted matter or hardened mucous, wheatgrass has the ability to flush them out of the system and cleanse the body.
- Helps in digestion
The fiber, vitamin B and enzymes found in wheatgrass all contribute to make your digestive system stronger and more efficient. Moreover, it can also help in alleviating diseases related to the digestive tract, including stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.
- Prevents cancer
Because of its miraculous list of constituents, wheatgrass is quite useful in preventing a variety of cancers. By keeping the red blood cell count high, the blood purified and oxygenated and by neutralizing toxic elements, wheatgrass lowers the absorption of carcinogens in the body.
Wheatgrass is still not as popular and well-known as other nutrition rich foods. Yet, due to its wonderful properties and health benefits, it is surely grabbing attention. More and more people are adding wheatgrass to their diets and availing its numerous health benefits.
To gather more information about wheatgrass, click here.