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Carrier oil is named carrier because they carry essential oils into the skin. They are also called as vegetable oil which gets diluted in absolute and essential oils before massage or aromatherapy. There are different oils for different body parts, for instance, grape seed oil is used for moisturizer under your eyes.

It should be kept in a cool place, away from strong light. Some oils can be refrigerated for preserving their freshness. There are variety of carrier oils, some of them are: Avocado, Jojoba, Grape Seed, Apricot and many more. In nuts, Walnut, Peanut, Coco Butter. Carrier oils are high refined and pure for your body.

Let’s see how these different flavors of oil benefit our body to nourish and moisturize.

  1. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of jojoba which gets easily absorbed. It feels so light on your skin that you don’t feel it. It looks like pure golden liquid with a slight nutty odor. It should be kept at a room temperature. It is colorless and odorless. It is rich in vitamin E, B-complex.


For best results, mix about 5 drops of essentials oil with 1 teaspoon of Jojoba oil. 


  • It helps in removing wrinkles from your face, make remover and for rough/dry skin.
  • It acts as an organic hair oil and conditioner for dry and frizzy hair. It protects from damage and the results of using it, soft and bright texture hair. You will love your hair once you use Joy by Nature organic carrier oil products.
  • Use as a facial moisturizer from head to toe daily or overnight. It reduces skin dryness.
  • For feeling refreshed after a tiring day, use jojoba oil as face cleanser under your eyes and eye lashes before you go for sleep.
  • After bath, apply few drops of jojoba oil on feet and it helps in softening dry and rough feet skin.
  • Good for blood circulation for scalp and hair growth by mixing jojoba oil with essential oils and massage the mixture on your scalp.  


  1. Castor Oil

It is extracted from seed pod of castor and it is made from dried castor bean seeds which is perfume based. It has anti- bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which had made this oil famous from many centuries. Castor oil is used in textiles, massage, cosmetics, soap and even in medicines.


For best results, mix about 5 drops of essential oil with 1 teaspoon of Castor oil.


  • The best use of castor oil are controlling hair loss and prevents split ends. It even takes care of cracked heels and nails.
  • It’s a blessing for skin infections and problems like, boils, itching and problems like, sunburn, acne. After cleaning it with the oil use a band aid on the affected area(s) for an hour.
  • By using castor oil, it reduces wrinkles and fine lines of your beautiful face and makes our skin smoother, softer and younger.
  • By acting as a moisturizer it removes dry skin and hydrates it back. The feel as moisturizer makes our skin so soft and gives us radiant glow.
  • It works slowly on fading scars but it is totally effective and helps in to grow healthy tissues and reduces the scars.


  1. Grape Seed Oil

It is extracted from the grape vine fruit. The oil is light, thin and the grape seed oil leaves a glossy film on the skin which helps in controlling moisture of the skin. This oil is primarily used in culinary and cosmetics. It is rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids. All this while we have eaten the grape fruit as kings now it’s time to it for your skin and body for glow.


For best results, mix about 5 drops of essential oil with 1 teaspoon of Grape Seed oil.


  • To improve your quality of your skin and cell membranes use grape seed oil.
  • It has contraction of skin cells properties which benefits in skin tightening and toning especially who has oily skin.
  • It reduces dark circles from dull and lifeless skin.
  • For oily skin, use the oil for exceptional results which will give us baby soft and radiant skin glow.
  • Say goodbye to dandruff! It will not haunt you anymore, thanks to grape seed oil.
  • For healing of cuts and wounds, the best and pure oil is here.
  • Want ramp-ready look, get shiny hair by getting organic Grape Seed Oil from Joy by Nature.

So stop wasting money on salons and starting shopping with Joy by Nature for organic carrier oil. Start getting smart and buy even smarter to spread aroma.


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