Do Face Creams Work for Men?


We have all been there, spending over and above our monthly budgets to buy grooming products that feel like they work (because we are thrilled and giddy with expectation) only to realize later that it was all for show; nothing really happened.


Are there naturalface creams out there for men and, if so, do they come with a guarantee to work? We cannot answer this question outright, because the functionality of creams depends entirely on your skin type and what it can or cannot handle.


  1. Whitening Creams! Do They Work or Don’t They?

The frustrated cry for help arises from men looking to get fairer or regain lost fairness and who spend thousands per month to no avail. Let us say it as it is. Not all whitening creams work and the ones that do for a large number of men may not work for you.


As disheartening as it may sound, whitening cream ‘technology’ seems to be in its infant stages still. However, if you wish to try them go herbal; nothing else will do. See if your chosen product is free of harmful toxins like parafen wax and is ideal for all skin types. Your aim should not be flawless milky-white fairness (that is unreasonable in most cases) but a natural lightening of skin tone (which is plausible).


  • Vitamin E content is key to skin health. Capable of neutralizing the oxidant influences of free radcials, the antioxidant properties of vitamin E serve to keep skin looking and feeling young. This ingredient should be in quality whitening creams.
  • From wrinkles and lines to collagen and dryness, this vitamin fights them all and imparts an organic glow to your demeanour.
  • Almond is another nice ingredient to see in whitening creams. Not only is almond itself a good source of vitamin E, it also cleanses every facet of facial skin, going deep into pores to work its natural magic.
  • Additionally, it battles fine lines and wrinkles not to forget its penchant to cure whiteheads, acne, pimples, and zits. This is one of the most sought after effects in face creams; as you can imagine.
  • Aside from even-shaded whitening, natural extracts in whiteners should also help keep skin smooth and toned. By removing blemishes and tans they will brighten your skin, working in line with the tough facial skin of men as compared to women.


Regular use of whitening creams is certainly recommended. You will not see results in a day or week, but a few months maybe even a year. By stimulating natural emollients found under the skin, you will gain a brighter more toned complexion over time.


The harsher the tropical clime you are living in the more easily you will tan, especially if you live near the coast where the air (especially if the adjoining ocean is saltwater) allows for faster and longer lasting tansthan if you live in more centralized regions.

  1. If I have Dry Facial Skin, May I Go for Moisturizing Face Creams?

Whether you reside in a hot or cool clime, or a temperate one somewhere between the extremes, your skin will, at sometime or other, be prone to dryness. Some skin types will get drier than others. Moisture locking is not as easy as it sounds, and the product you choose needs to be more than competent in this regard.


  • The number one concern: a moisturizing face cream should be completely oil free. This property will enhance the lightweight feeling of such serums after application. There will be no greasiness or regular wiping.
  • All quality moisturizers rely on water-building ingredients that, combined with vitamins like E, C, and B3, render the cream ideal for the relatively rough facial skin of men.
  • Application timing is also important. You cannot juts dab it on and leave the house whenever you want. Wash you face, apply your chosen cream to moist skin, and there will be little in the way that can render it dry over a period of, say, 12 hours.


In simplicity lies the effectiveness of moisturizing creams. With basic moisture retention properties and healthy ingredients ideal for skin, these products have what it takes to rise to the anti-dryness challenge. Depends on your choice of product.



  1. Are Massage Creams Any Good, Or Am I Wasting My Time & Money?

Feeling overly stressed out? Does your face feel heavy with fatigue? Massage creams are not mere luxuries but essentials that can relieve such issues and set you on the road to relaxation.


  • As face massage creams go, you can do it yourself, of course.
  • They come designed to alleviate or remove irritations and dryness. More than most factors, those twofactors alone can make you terribly uncomfortable and stress you out.
  • Look for ingredients like Vitamin E and/or almond oil (we mentioned the health properties of both these ingredients earlier). You can certainly expect a natural influx of goodness thanks to these.
  • Shea butter works to impart smoothness and warmth; this is yet another ingredient to keep an eye out for.
  • Jojoba oil helps calm and soothe your muscles and skin, performing the excellent role of massaging your face. Even if this ingredient is missing, look for something similar; such essential oils help with de-stressing and aromatherapy too.


Massage creams for male faces come designed for application on the neck as well. Make sure you choose herbal products because then you can experience relaxation without sacrificing health potential.


For more information on buying Natural Face Creams For Men, go here.


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