6 Natural Remedies To Remove Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are off white coloured lines that appear on the upper skin of your body. These usually appear post pregnancy or when your suddenly gain or lose weight. People with dry skin suffer the most with stretch marks. Lack of water or dehydration is one big reason for stretch marks. You need to moisturise your skin to reduce the stretch marks, from inside and outside. So the best way to reduce your stretch marks is drinking a lot of water, while you are pregnant or trying to lose weight. In case you missed drinking water back then, don’t worry, start drinking a lot of water now, it would at least help to reduce the marks now. Water aids in detoxifying your body, it also restores your skin elasticity and makes it supple. You can also try these other home remedies to reduce your stretch marks.
1. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera plant survives even in harsh conditions where it gets minimal water, this is why it store huge amount of water in its thick fleshy leaves. That is where the aloe vera gel comes from. Since it comes from the plant’s water storage, it helps to hydrate and moisturise the skin. Regular topical application of aloe vera gel increases the body’s elasticity. It also removes dead cells. The best thing about aloe vera gel is that it works wonder on any kind of skin, be it dry, oily, normal or even mixed.
- Castor Oil: Castor Oil comes from crushing seeds of castor oil and it has been used for healing of skin and inflammation. It is rich in antioxidants and is very commonly used for its therapeutic benefits. Massage your abdomen, thighs, hips or other affected area with castor oil and cover it with a cloth or plastic wrap to let the skin absorb it. Regular massage would help to reduce the stretch marks quickly.
- Cocoa Butter: Chocolate is everyone’s favourite thing. Who doesn’t like the feeling of chocolate melting in their mouth, the tasty flavour we slowly savour that tingles our taste buds making us happy. Chocolate comes from cocoa beans which are rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants prevent free radical damage thus making it soft and supple. Cocoa Butter moisturises the skin and nourishes it. Regular application of cocoa butter moisturises the skin and reduces the stretch marks.
- Sugar: Sugar, which is otherwise considered to be an enemy of your health is actually good for your skin. It’s helps to exfoliate your skin and is a great remedy for treating stretch marks. Mix some almond oil in raw sugar along with few drops of lemon juice. Apply this scrub to your abdomen and other affected area and gently rub it over. Wash it off after a while. Use this scrub and soon you will see that your stretch marks have lightened.
Olive Oil: Olive Oil is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that are great for skin. It also helps to moisturise and exfoliate the skin making it smooth and supple. Gently massage your skin with olive oil (preferably extra virgin olive oil) this will improve the blood circulation in that area and will help to reduce the stretch marks.
6. Egg whites: We all know that non-vegetarian food is a rich source of proteins, so are eggs. Egg whites also contain amino acids. These egg whites work wonders to reduce stretch marks on your body. All you have to do is whip the whites of two eggs and apply a thick layer on the skin and let it dry. Rinse it with water and apply olive or coconut oil to moisturise the skin. Soon you will realise that your stretch marks are fading.
Your body usually gets stretch marks post pregnancy or post weight loss. This is the time you should rejoice and be happy but most of the time you are sad looking at your stretch marks. But now you know the remedies to reduce your stretch marks and thus you have one more reason to rejoice and celebrate.