6 Exfloiating Scrubs To Remove Blackheads
You use the best of home remedies to lighten your complexion and treat pimples. In this endeavour you almost succeed in getting a radiant skin. But one aspect where you lag behind is your nose. The blackheads on it make your skin look dull and a bit dark in patches, especially on the nose area. Well, blackheads appear due to several reasons, such as hormonal changes, sleeping with makeup, pollution and stress etc. Removing them with a remover stick is quite painful. So, we bring to you a few home remedies, which will help you in getting rid of blackheads, sans any pain.
- Cinnamon scrub
To make a blackhead removing cinnamon scrub, you need about one teaspoon of cinnamon powder one spoon of lemon juice and some honey. Mix all the ingredients properly. Apply it on your nose and under the chin where most blackheads appear. Gently scrub off till it dries up. Later wash off with normal water. You can use this paste as a face scrub as well. Do it at least once in a week.
Cinnamon is a great spice, great for your body and skin. To know more about it, click here.
- Honey and milk strips
Both honey and milk are nourishing agents for the skin. Besides, they also lighten the skin complexion, giving your face a radiant glow. However, in this it blackhead-removing mask, both these products are used as an adhesive. To make a paste, mix some honey and milk together. Then warm this mixture in the microwave for about 30 seconds and then mix again. Once this mixture cools down a bit, apply it on your nose and then paste a strip of cotton cloth on top of it. Allow it to dry for about 20 minutes. Later, peel it off gently. Repeat this procedure once in a fortnight.
To know how honey acts a skin-lightening agent, click here.
- Baking Soda scrub
Wing to its abrasive properties, baking soda is helpful in getting rid of blackheads. To make a scrub, just mix two spoons of baking soda powder, one spoon of lemon juice and two spoons of raw milk together. Apply this concoction on your nose and chin area. When it is semi dry, scrub it off in circulation motion with your fingertips. This helps in unclogging the pores and removing the dead skin, which cause the occurrence of blackheads.
- Apple Cider Vinegar and mint cleanser
Apple cider vinegar is responsible for breaking down the dirt and dust particles, which cause occurrence of blackheads. While mint leaves helps in healing of the area in case there is any inflammation or irritation. To make this toner, mix some apple cider vinegar and crushed mint leaves in a bottle and store it in cool and dry place for about a week. Then strain the liquid and add a cup of water to it. Refrigerate it for about six days. Use this toner every night before going to bed. Wash your face properly and dry it up with a towel. Apply this toner with a cotton ball and leave it overnight. Wash your face the next morning.
To know about various other beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar, click here.
- Brown sugar scrub
Brown Sugar is a popular exfoliating agent, used in several types of facial scrubs. It removes the dead skin cells, thus making your skin clean and clear. To make a scrub, all you need to do is take one spoon of brown sugar, two spoons of lime juice and some honey. Mix well and apply it on your nose. You can also use this mixture as a face scrub. Gently scrub your face with it for about five minutes. Later wash off with tap water.
- Oatmeal scrub
To make an oatmeal scrub, just mix one spoon of ground oatmeal powder in two spoons of lemon juice. Mix it well and then apply it on your nose and chin area. Massage gently with your finger tips for about five minutes and then was off.