Useful Hacks for Tackling Dandruff
Beautiful hair is every girl and guy’s dream. Who doesn’t want hair that looks and feels good naturally? It is important to have healthy hair free from issues like dandruff. This issue if addressed can be dealt with easily in the initial stages. There are treatments for chronic cases too, but here we are going to highlight some useful hacks for tackling dandruff yourself:
Natural exfoliation: A handy tip is to rub some salt on the hair. Take some table salt and rub it onto the scalp. This serves as a natural exfoliate. Once done, wash it off with a shampoo. This way, the visible traces of loose dandruff get washed away.
Using natural ingredients: Make use of those ingredients that are readily available at home. Use cinnamon and powder it. Rub it in your scalp and wash it off. This is a great way to tackle dandruff and have good smelling hair.
Hair masks: Masks that are available in the market are good. For example, apple cider vinegar; all that you have to do is dilute it with water and spray it across your scalp. Some of these masks can be made at home too, using oils. Oils like tea tree, rosemary and coconut can be mixed together and applied.
Food therapy: Certain pastes made out of fruits and vegetables can be incorporated in the diet to cure dandruff over a period of time. Avocado paste is a great way of curing dandruff. It should be incorporated in the diet. Besides that, drinking lots of water and having a healthy, balanced diet, rich in proteins, is imperative for the overall health of the hair.
Powders and yogurt: Baking powder can be applied to the scalp instead of shampoo. This is a good way of reducing dandruff over time. Yogurt is a great hair pack. Sectioning the hair into smaller partitions and applying it into each and every partition helps in absorbing the curd better for smooth hair and reduced dandruff. Besides yogurt, egg yolk is a great option too.
Using oils: Tea tree oil, coconut oil, lilac oil and Aloe Vera all work well for the hair. It is important to massage one or more of these oils into the scalp for a longer time till about half an hour before washing it off while bathing.
General hair care: Hair care on a daily basis is key to healthy and fresh hair. Dirty hair must be washed off using a shampoo. Another important tip is that when using hair conditioner or oils, make sure to wash off very trace of it. Any external ingredient that remains in the hair attracts more dust and dirt.
For more information on how to treat dandruff, click here