Nothing heals the body like Grandma’s kadha. They taste unique and always seem to work like magic, when everything else fails. Ever wondered what was this potion which could cure stomach ache, cold, acidity, nausea and many more such health dilemmas? They are herbal infusions.
Herbal infusion is created when large quantity of herbs is brewed in water for a long time. Boiling water is poured over selected bunch of herbs and they are allowed to steep in the water for 4 to 10 hours. Infusions can be done in water, oil, alcohol, vinegar or honey. This article deals with water based herbals infusions.
Water based infusions is like making tea. Unlike tea, these herbs are steeped longer. The quantity of herbs used is also more compared to tea leaves. These herbs have been found and used in Ayurveda in many forms throughout the centuries. Herbs and spices like rosemary, Echinacea(kalamegha), wormwood root(nag daun), balsam root, boneset, red root, licorice(mulethi), sage, nettle, oat straw cloves, cinnamon, basil, sage, mint, garlic, ginger, parsley, bay leaf, cardamom and many more are often mixed together in required proportions to form bases for herbal infusions. Their proportions and compositions vary, depending on which conditions they treat. The purpose of a herbal infusion is to provide the body with a high dose of vitamins and minerals to boost immunity. A cup of nettle infusion can give the body 500 mg of calcium against a cup of nettle tea which gives 10 mg of calcium.
Help to detoxify the body: The foods today are treated with pesticides and hormones which increase the toxin levels in the body. Herbal infusions help to detoxify the body of these toxins. Herbs like Calendula, Dandelion, Nettle and Chicory root helps the liver to flush out toxins.
Help to burn fat: Herbal infusions of green tea leaves, oolong tea, and ginseng help increase the metabolic rate of the body. They help to burn fat which aids in weight loss
Aid Digestion: They increase the secretions of digestive enzymes. In case of stomach cramps they help relax the muscles and also aid in healthy bowel movement. They take care of flatulence and bloating. Peppermint, lemon balm, fennel seeds are common in herbal infusions meant for digestion.
Reduce inflammation: Due to their anti inflammatory properties, herbal infusions help with aches and pains especially experienced due to arthritis, gout. Bosewellia, cat’s claw, ginger, eucalyptus, and rooibos are some of the common herbs used to treat inflammation.
Calming tonics: Herbal infusions of chamomile, lavender, linden,tulsi, passion flower help to calm the symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, tension, sleeplessness.
Herbal infusions of peppermint, lemongrass, and ginger help to fight the heat while lemon grass with ginger help fight the cold. Herbal infusions are also used to ease menstrual cramps, induce labour and facilitate lactation. The herbal infusion of nettle, which is rich in silica, is often taken for healthy skin, strong bones and shiny hair. Herbal infusions made with ginseng and gingko promotes endurance and vitality.
Herbs are very strong in their properties and need to be taken in consultation with a medical practitioner. Herbal infusions make it easy for one to enjoy the goodness of herbs in a cup.