Interesting Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

Interesting Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

Image Source: Huffington Post

Wrinkles are basically a sigh of aging. They occur when the production of collagen in the skin gets reduced. This further result in loosening of the skin and promoting appearance of creases called wrinkles.  Though wrinkles happen biologically but factors like free radicals and UV rays also boost their appearance.Wrinkles occur due to several factors, such as ageing, free radicals, smoking, sun exposure, lack of nutrition, genetics, stress, dehydration, speedy weight Loss, pollution and improper skin care.They usually appear on upper arms, neck, hands and face. A few symptoms include deep furrows, fine lines, crow’s feet and sagging face.There are several medical treatments available that can delay and reduce their appearance but such treatments have their own side effects. Therefore, going the natural way is a smarter choice. Let us take a look at a few such natural remedies, which will help in reducing the appearance of wrinkles.


  1. Pineapple

Pineapple is a rich source of vitamin C, which is an extremely superb ingredient for skin, particularly for keeping wrinkles at bay.All you need to do is apply some pineapple pulp on your skin. After its application, allow it to dry and then rinse off well. Besides, you can also apply pineapple juice in place of its pulp. Massage your face with it gently in circular motion. This helps in improving blood circulation, toning the skin and reducing wrinkles.

Alba Botanica Pineapple Enzyme Facial Scrub 125ml

  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing properties. Therefore, it is good for reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Just dab some lukewarm coconut oil on your skin and massage gently in circular motion. This oil will surely make your skin firm and prevent it from sagging.

  1. Cucumber

Cucumber too is rich in vitamin C, which is an essential antioxidant. Since antioxidants are necessary for preventing the signs of ageing including wrinkles, cucumber is a great remedy for delaying wrinkles.To use it, just peel a cucumber and cut it into thin slices. Now refrigerate them for 15 minutes. Now place these slices on your face including your eyes. Cucumber will surely result in softening the skin and thus reduce wrinkles.

Bio Cucumber Pore Tightning Toner 120ml

  1. Tomato

Tomato is an extremely effective remedy for reducing wrinkles. This is again due to the presence of vitamin C in it. So, make sure you consume one tomato every day. This remedy will help in tightening the skin and further give your cheeks a natural red color.Besides consuming it, you can also apply it as a mask. For this squash a ripe tomato to get its pulp. Now apply this pulp on your face and neck area. This will not only give you a radiant skin but also make you look young for sure.

Soulflower Juciy Red Tomato Soap 150gm

  1. Banana

Banana is known for its nourishing and hydrating properties and therefore, helps in reducing wrinkles. To use it, just mash a ripe banana with the help of a fork. Once you get a smooth pulp, apply it on the face and neck area. Allow it to sit for about half an hour. Afterwards, wash your skin well with lukewarm water. Also, make sure that you do not rub your skin till the mask dries up.  

  1. Green Tea

Green tea is another great ingredient, which is a rich source of antioxidants. Therefore, it is extremely good for preventing wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Besides anti-ageing, green tea has several other health and beauty benefits. A few of them include aiding weight loss, promoting digestion and reducing cholesterol and high blood pressure.To use it, just dip a green tea bag in a cup of hot water. Let it steep for five minutes and then remove the bag. Stir a spoon of honey to sweeten this solution. Drink this herbal tea at least two times in a day. Besides, use the leftover tea bags on your eyes for reducing wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness.

Joybynature Organic Green Tea 100gm

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