Image Source: Thejourney
It is said that ‘Old is Gold’. Indeed it is. With rapid consumerism we have moved to mass produced instant results driven products for every need of ours. But in this race against time; it won’t do to forget that the Nature that created us created many natural things to protect and nurture us. The knowledge regarding these natural creations is best given by our elders; or as it is popularly called – “Dadi Ma KaBatwa”. So, let’s see what our Grandma has to say on Anti Ageing!
Eating Right:
First thing that every grandma stresses on is what we eat. She has been ever so attentive of our diet since we were kids because she knows that what goes inside us gives us the strength and look that lasts long. Eating organic food (vegetables, fruits and grains) ensures that the food is packed with nutrients. Grains which are cultivated in an organic way will give all the nutrients that they are intended to give to the body.
Replacing our regular tea with organic or green tea or coffee with ingredients like Tulsi, Amla, Ginger or any other natural herb; will refresh us at the same time while it gives our body nutrients which rejuvenate our systems. Green Tea is packed with loads of nutritious compounds like Flavonoids, Anti Oxidants, Catechins and other bio active compounds which stimulate brain activity, protect against cancer, are neuro protective and also make you feel young.
Dry Fruits:
Remember our grandma soaking Almonds overnight to give it to you in the morning? And your mom asking you to keep some dry fruits in your pocket in case you get hungry; and that you don’t indulge in junk food; rather eat dry fruits? Well, here’s the reason. Dry Fruits are an instant source of energy and provide you with unsaturated fats which are necessary for your brain to function. A rich source of nutrients; eating dry fruits everyday will keep your brain young and your skin radiating.
Watch your Weight:
Our weight is a major indicator of upcoming problems. Excess weight can lead to a vicious circle of heart problems, stress management problems etc. It is better to watch your weight and take appropriate measures to keep it in control with proper exercise and weight management supplements.
A balanced weight leading to zero diseases makes and keeps you young.
Keeping Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and Hypertension at Bay:
Exercise, Balanced diet and nutritious supplements will keep your body and organs young and fit. Organic supplements like Guggul, Omega 3, Flax Seed, Garlic, Cinnamon etc. prove helpful in keeping the heart and other organs clean of cholesterol and thus working at good capacity.
Know more about natural anti ageing remedies for that forever young look!