Which type of food is best for your baby?
While picking the best food for your baby you need to think of the nutrient value of each of the food items that you are feeding them. Babies tend to require certain types of nutrients which are absolutely vital for their development and well being. Since babies have no way of saying which food item they are going to need so it is advised that you know which nutrient and food is best for a healthy development of a baby. There are many types of food which you can offer your baby however certain types work the best. Iron enriched cereals and yogurt based food items are great for your baby. Although when you are feeding your baby you need to focus on the texture and consistency of the item as well. Also always go for organic baby food as they tend to contain no chemicals or pesticides. Babies tend to have a hard time when swallowing so never leave lumps in the early days of infancy. You can go for pureed contents but make sure that you mash it up properly.
Here are a few baby foods which are the best:
One of the most significant baby foods out there is breast milk. This is a common choice since it is the first food which a baby tastes after being born. Breast milk tends to have a variety of different nutrients in it. Breastfeeding should be continued till the baby is 12 months old. Although there are no strict rules regarding the time factor is the average time when the baby leaves breast milk and moves on to other food items. Breast milk tends to provide a lot of immunity to the baby and giving them protection from viruses.
Avocados are another great food which you can give your baby these are loaded with monounsaturated fats. This kind of fat is wonderful for a baby and provides his body with energy and vitality. Preparing the item is easy as well since it takes no extra effort or huge amounts of time.
Sweet potatoes
Rich in beta carotene if you feed your baby sweet potatoes the nutrients in the item will help your baby to grow up big and strong. It promotes skin health and also protects from a variety of infections. Babies tend to develop a lot of diaper rash and other infections eating sweet potatoes can help in curbing that count. Just puree up the potatoes and mash it up. The texture feels great and babies can digest it easily.
Beets are a great source of folic acid and also they are extremely high in potassium and beta carotene. These sweet veggies taste wonderful and babies love to eat them. Roast them till they are extremely soft and then mash them. The perfect age for beets tend to be around 11 months or older.
Never feed your baby any kind of flavoured yogurt. This is a very protein rich option for your baby which he will love. It also contains calcium which helps in the development of bones and teeth. It is best for babies aged nine months and above.
If you are looking for a god finger food for your baby you should definitely consider cheerio. These are a great source of fibre and they taste amazing. This food is perfect for babies who are nine months or older.
Honey can be a great sweetener for other dishes which a baby eats. Make sure you are feeding your baby organic honey and also mix it with other food items. Honey should not be fed to a baby on its own. You need to mix the honey up with either some pudding or cereal. You can ask your paediatrician regarding how much Honey you should be adding to the mix.
These are some of the best types of toddler food items out there. When you are feeding your baby a particular food item remember that the baby may or may not like it. Also many babies tend to have a hard time digesting certain food items to give it some time and see if your baby is having any kind of digestive issues after having any certain food item.