Image Source: Howstuffworks
The day your child has its first taste of solid food that’s what every caring parent would be longingly preparing for. It’s like the beginning of a new era. An exciting, new experience for your baby and you, trying to find out what your baby needs would be quite confusing. With the right solid baby food for a smooth beginning, you can make the most out of your kid’s journey of growing up.
Is the time right?
Every parent would be having the same question, “When can I start feeding my baby solid food?” The answer is between 4 to 6 months. It is advisable to consult your pediatrician once before changing your baby's diet. But after 6 months, you need not have any second thoughts regarding this. From birth, they live only on breast milk. But as they grow up, their needs change and the body demands more. General signs to show that include-
- Increase in movement-The baby can sit up, with some support, and can hold its head and neck on its own accord.
- Increased appetite- The baby wanting more even after the usual daily dosage.
- Is Curious-Funnily, the baby also peers at your plate when you are eating.
- Gains weight- The baby would have doubled its birth weight by the time its 5 months old.
- Loses extrusion reflex-The baby must be able to hold the food in its mouth and not push it out.
- Chewing motions- He/she must be able to push the food to the back of the mouth, not out, and be able to swallow it.
What do I give my baby?
Questions arise here too. “What should I know when I pick my baby’s food?” and “How often do I feed her?” Here are a few simple tips to help you with this.
- Know why: There are medical reasons as to why the baby needs solid food. In 4-6 months, the baby’s digestive system will be mature enough to digest solid food, without much effect on allergies. Also inherent stock of iron starts to diminish during this time.
Notice allergies- You should take it slow while starting the baby on a solid food diet and you will be able to tell which food causes a reaction if any. Common food products that might induce a reaction are wheat, eggs, soy, dairy, tomatoes, strawberries and peanuts. Some symptoms you should keep an eye out for-
- Sneezing or mucous secretion
- Being restless
- Skin rashes or itchy skin
- Asthma
- Digestion trouble (Diarrhea)
Balanced diet- What a better choice than starting with organic. Your baby needs the right amount of iron, vitamins and other essential minerals for a proper and healthy growth.
- Iron- Babies need a good amount of iron in their food to help develop their digestive tract and immune system. Specially formulated baby cereals contain high value of iron and are the ideal choice to begin with. Its best to start with iron-enriched rice cereal as it is the least allergenic amongst cereals.
- Vegetables- Sweet potato, green beans and carrots is one way to start it with. Do not use oil and make sure it is properly cooked. Cereals can also be mixed with veggies as you move on.
- Milk-The most important part of your baby’s diet, needless to say and you can add small amount of rice or cereal to it.
- Meat-Rich in iron, calcium and proteins, you can feed your baby meat and fish. But the meat should be soft and wait to see if the baby has any allergic reaction to it.
How often do I feed my baby?
If only your baby could talk, she would tell when she’s hungry or full. Unluckily, she’s not. So, here’s what you do. Never force feed the baby and feeding solid food once a day is enough. Increase it gradually. The menu should be somewhat constant as the baby should get accustomed to solid food and the flavors.
Solid foods are very important in the process of growing up and to make the best of it, ensure that your little one gets the best. Free from chemicals, baby organic food is the ideal choice, to make a difference.