Taking Your Baby Out – Keep Them Safe
Image Source: Minitime
When you are taking your baby out, keeping him safe requires preparation. Whether you are going for a holiday trip for days, visiting a friend for a day or even going to the pediatrician for a few hours, you need to plan out the journey so that you are prepared to face any situation.
Visit Your Pediatrician
If it is the first time that you are taking out your infant, a visit to the pediatrician, though not a necessity, can be scheduled. Your baby’s doctor will be the best person to tell you if he is healthy and fit to go outside or if he should remain indoors due to some issues like side effects from a recent immunization.
Pack the Diaper Bag
Older babies and toddlers might need just a few things inside their bags when you are taking them out but, mothers of newborn babies need to pack quite a few things into their diaper bags. You should pack whatever you might possibly need for the baby – extra diapers, diaper cream, bibs, extra change of clothes and a bottle of extra formula for feeding the baby.
Keep Germs Away
Vaccinations are an important way of keeping your child safe from the germs that are too strong to be handled by the baby’s immune system. Until your child has been properly vaccinated, there is every possibility of him getting infected by a serious disease when taken out. When you are taking your baby out, keeping him safe is your priority. So take precautions every time you are handling your child; wash your hands and be firm and ensure that those handling your baby also wash their hands.
Avoid Crowded Places
While your baby can be taken out on short walks, crowded places should be avoided. Public places tend to increase the potential of viruses infecting your child’s weak immune system. Protect your baby in a baby carrier from strangers who might want to handle your baby even if they mean well. This is true especially during the cold season when your child is more likely to get infected in a crowded place.
Dress Your Child in Appropriate Clothing
Ensure that your child is adequately dressed for the season. During the harsh winter days, make sure there are layers of clothing. But also make sure that the baby has only one layer more clothing than yours. Cover the head, keep the fingers warm in mittens and cover the ears to prevent frostbite.
During summer, take care to keep your baby covered in lightweight clothes, preferably made of a natural fiber. Cotton is the best option for baby clothes during the hot summer days. Opt for light-colored clothes as they reflect the heat. On the other hand, dark colors tend to absorb more heat. A wide-brimmed hat ensures that the child’s head and face are protected from the harmful UV rays. Use sunglasses. It will make your baby look pretty, and at the same time, protect him from the sun rays.
Use Sunscreens to Protect Your Child
Use sunscreens which are specific to your babies. Sunscreens are not advisable for infants under 6 months old. So, mothers should avoid exposing their infant babies to the harsh sun rays during this time.
For older children, apply sunscreen all over your child, especially on the hands, feet and the neck while he is outdoors. You can try non-chemical formulations which would be effective in blocking the sun rays and keeping your baby safe when taking him out.
As far as is possible, children should be kept out of the mid-morning sun especially between 10 am to 4 pm. Mothers should know that sun protection strategies are required even on cloudy days. You should also make sure that your child is drinking enough fluids to keep himself hydrated.
Avoid the Bugs
If you are visiting an area where you are sure to encounter bugs, take adequate measures. Choose an ultra-mild, organic and baby-friendly insect repellant for your infant over two months old. The bites from mosquitoes, spiders and other insects are not only painful, they are disease carriers also. So protect your toddlers with anti-insect repellents when you are outdoors.
As a mother, you need to be aware of your surroundings when you are out with your baby. Whether you are visiting friends, going for an outing or are at the beach, keep your baby safe when you are taking him out by taking adequate measures and preventing situations which might affect the health of your baby.