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Image Source: Yummymummyclub

Pregnancy is one of the most magical times for a woman. In addition to the joy of carrying life inside you, you also become the top priority of you ecstatic husband and the darling of all your family members. However, post pregnancy can be a difficult time if you are not prepared. Not only do you have to take care of a new born, you also have to deal with the fact that your body has changed. And the changes are not always desirable. Scroll down to find out how to lose the baby weight and regain your fit body.

  • Eat lots of protein

As a new mother you need loads of energy. Munching on proteins is a great way to stay sated and vivacious for long periods of time. Proteins are found in chicken, fish, eggs and legumes. Tasty snacks like peanuts and green peas are also power houses of protein. However be careful of the kind of meat you pick. Always go for lean meat because red meat might affect your cardiovascular health and your fitness regime.

  • Breast feed

Breast feeding your baby is a beautiful way of forming a bond with her. Also, it will lay a firm foundation for your precious angel’s immunity. Since your milk is being made from the food you are eating, add another 500 calories to your diet. Do not skip meals trying to lose weight as it might affect your milk.

  • Vitamins

You and your child require a lot of vitamins during this time. Make sure you eat leafy greens (vitamin A), lemons and broccoli (Vitamin C), bananas and mushrooms (Potassium) and other healthy foods. Fruits and vegetables are the sure fire way into fitness.

  • Do not succumb to the cravings!

Child birth is the best time to celebrate; and your friends and family will indisputably agree. You will find your house bombarded with chocolate cookies, milk sweets and fried condiments. As post pregnancy is often stressful you might be tempted to eat your stress away. Resist the temptation because you will thank the gods later when you don’t have love handles. Even better, ask your friends and families to buy you groceries instead of sweets.

  • Exercise

It is usually recommended that you avoid any exercise till 6 weeks after your C section. Post C section, you might experience some abdominal tenderness which is completely natural. Start your fitness regime with breathing exercises and yoga. This will help with the stress of caring for a new born and trying to have a life at the same time. Move on to occasional walking. Mild exercises can follow. You can even swim your way into strenuous exercises as water workouts are kind to the joints while being effective in shedding off the extra pounds.

Adding a member to your family is a fascinating experience to not just to you but also to your husband and other family members. They are always there for you to express their gratitude for giving them a new reason to cherish life. Let them help you through this time and do not hesitate to ask for assistance or advice.

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