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Image Source: Topmusclefeminin

Losing weight, the healthy way takes time, patience and commitment. Though extreme dieting promises quick results, they are short-term and bound to leave you feeling hungry and lethargic. For long-term weight loss, there are simple yet effective ways, which will help you to improve your relationship with food and help you to change your lifestyle for the better thereby assisting you in attaining long-term weight loss result.

  • Eat Healthy

For effective management of your weight , you need to take a balanced diet. This means you cut down on some foods while ensuring that you get enough of some others. Determine your caloric needs and eat accordingly.

  • Cereals, Whole Grains, and Fiber: Avoid any refined grain products such as white flour and pasta. Instead, opt for whole grains which are healthier and include oatmeal, whole grain flour, whole cornmeal, brown rice and cracked wheat. Oat bran and bran cereal are bran-added products and a good source of fiber though not whole-grain products.
  • Protein: Consume lean protein, sources of which include chicken and white turkey with skin removed, fish and shellfish, eggs and beans such as black beans, pinto beans, lentils and split peas, which are fiber-rich also.

  • Oils and Fats: Use monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils for cooking if you want to manage your weight effectively. The healthy oils come from nuts, plants, olives or fish and include corn, canola, cottonseed, olive, soybean, sunflower, and safflowers. Avoid saturated fats which are high in cholesterol and not good for your health. Cut down hard cheese, whole milk, butter, ice cream and cream from your diet. Avoid foods fried in trans-fat or hydrogenated fats such as fried foods. Try to grill, boil or poach your foods and bake your fish, lean meats and chicken.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: these are the best food options when you are trying to manage your weight. They are low in calories but have a high content of fiber and rich sources of vitamins, minerals and also water. Replace your high-calorie food with these nutritious natural foods which will help to lower your calorie and fat intakes without you feeling hungry.

  • Eat Filling Foods and Keep Hunger Away

The best way to avoid gaining back the weight that you have just lost is by eating meals which keep you full. This can be achieved with foods that have high fiber content such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meat.

  • Eat a Full Breakfast

Breakfast, as we all know, is the most important meal of the day. People who eat their breakfast regularly are able to better manage their weight loss than those who skip this meal. A heavy breakfast ensures that you don’t splurge or overeat during the day and thereby keep a check on your weight. Include oatmeal, fresh fruit and Greek yogurt for your breakfast.

  • Divide Your Plate

Use your plate to help you to control what you are eating. Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits and the other half with whole grains and meat. For a second helping, take only fruits, vegetables or low-fat dairy.

  • Weigh Yourself Daily

Though this may seem a bad idea at first, but keeping a track of your weight on a regular basis, for weight management, helps you to keep a track of your eating habits if the scale tips up. So, people who are regularly checking their weights are more successful in keeping off the lost weight.

  • Exercise Regularly to Maintain Weight and Drink Water

Integrate at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week to help you maintain your weight; the more you exercise, the better will be your chances of doing that. Ensure that you are keeping your body well hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Avoid the TV

People who spend lesser hours in front of the TV are more successful in managing their weight than those who spent more time on the couch in front of a TV. This lifestyle is also bound to raise the risks of heart disease and diabetes.

Follow these weight management program tips and keep your weight under control. Click here to find more about effective methods for managing your weight.


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