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“Ina Garten”, the well renowned American author and the host of the food network programme. She spells out the specialities of almonds in her own word by saying, "I like almonds as a snack - keeps your energy up but doesn't fill you up".

In our life, Almonds take a salient role and they organically strengthen our body as well as mind, almonds are very prominent due to their crispy taste. Significantly, almonds effect on the primary stage of Cancer and Alzheimer kind of deadly diseases also, because it contains magnesium, vitamin E along with fiber. Almonds contain less sugar; therefore they don’t promote that much carbohydrate unlike other nuts. There are lots of organic remedies made from almonds can easily be availed from market, almonds have lots of health benefits. The proper consumption of handful almonds can surely get a new rejuvenation in our life.

 Health benefits of almonds-  

  • Grows hair- Who are facing hair problems like- dull, split, thin or lost hairs; almonds can amend all these problem. Because almonds are enormously loaded with nutrients, vitamins, which are the big hair protector and regenerate them, there come a number of organic almonds in market that can be taken for daily massage purpose to hydrate the hair scalp organically. Consumption of 7 almonds per day could effortlessly control the loss of hair.

  • Prevents Cancer- Almonds have been said to contain fiber in massive storage, fiber is the best detoxifier for body. Fiber helps your food going through the digestive system, and this act organically cleanses your digestive system. In research, it was emphasized that a high level of fiber diet can alleviate the chances of “colon cancer”. Naturally, being high in vitamin E and “phytochemical” it disables the chances of breast cancer as well.

  • Energy booster- Most of the time we get to see a number of people having grievance of less energy, lack of power, not ample weight according to age and so on. Almonds are the big source of ‘riboflavin’ and ‘copper’, both are the best energy producer. A simple but pretty much effective nutritious energy jam can be made by almond – Just take 10 pieces of almond and grind them, then after mix them with 2 spoonful of honey, this made jam can be carried anywhere for the purpose of great energy booster.

  • Moisturizes skin- Have you ever come to know that almonds are the big skin moisturizer? If not, so now start following almonds because they contain olein glyceride linoleic acid which is efficiently protects you from being dull, dried, blackhead and acne-full skin. Get almond in your daily routine for getting a moisturized skin.

  • Reduces weight- Reducing weight by nuts? Sounds little weird but it is truly possible by means of almonds, because almonds contain monounsaturated fatty acids, one of the primary monounsaturated acid is “Oleic” in almonds, which is a good natural cutter of unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Moreover, this fatty acid alleviates the chances breast cancer in women as well.


 Have these crispy delectable nuts for a matchless intellectual skill.


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