A Simple Way of Managing Stress: Aromatherapy

A Simple Way of Managing Stress: Aromatherapy

In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, stress is commonplace. Stress is no longer confined to the working class but affects even the younger members of our society – it has become a threat of all-encompassing nature, be it kids, university students, housewives or professionals. Stress triggers like workplace pressures, monetary and hassles, study load etc. are prevalent all across one’s life and are leading to ever-surmounting health issues like depression, unexplained episodes of headaches, anxiety pangs and nervous disorders.

In such times of distress, a newer, alternative therapy –Aromatherapy- has emerged and has gained a lot of attention in the recent times. The health benefits that can be derived through Aromatherapy is extremely palliative and can be as potent as any of the existing drugs for stress management.

How does Aromatherapy ensure stress management?

Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils for overall well-being and health. These oils are placed in diffusers to allow them to infuse in the air. Aromatherapy relieves stress and mental exhaustion through promoting relaxation. It is believed that the essential oils used in Aromatherapy permeate the body through the olfactory receptors in the nose and mingle with the body hormones, providing a soothing effect to the body and mind.

Aromatherapy: Methods Used

This promising alternative therapy provides relief from the symptoms of stress through three unique methods that employ the use of this therapy either in silo or in conjugation with other traditional medicines, namely:

  • Holistic Aromatherapy, which involves the use of essential oils massage as part of the therapy. A relaxing massage with these organic oils relieves one’s body and mind and has a superbly calming effect.

  • Clinical Aromatherapy involves the use of conventional medicines in conjugation with the essential oils. This therapy finds great use in providing swift relief for people suffering from major illnesses. Sometimes, this method is also used during childbirth to calm frayed nerves of the to-be-mother.


  • Aesthetic Aromatherapy makes use of burners and diffusers to disperse essential oils. This method also involves using bath salts, aromatic shower gels and bath beads and this often used in spas for the treatment of stress.

Essential Ingredients of Aromatherapy

Let’s make our acquaintance with some of the most effective essential oils that not just sooth our stresses out minds and bodies but also have a positive effect on the boosting the body immunity and contributing to the overall health.

Some of the most popular and effective oils that find their place on this list are peppermint oil, jasmine, lemongrass, lavender and chamomile. However, caution must be exercised in using these oils as they must be mixed in a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil before applying them to the skin as they are quite strong when used alone.

Popular Aromatherapy Products

Aroma oils are just one of the many aromatherapy products in use to manage stress naturally without exposing oneself to harsh medicines. Aromatic candles and aroma body products like aromatherapy body wash, creams and lotions and shower gels are also extensively used in this therapy.

In fact, organic scented candles are used in home décor to add the benefits of aromatherapy to everyday living.

Try this therapy now to get rid of myriad problems that could be ailing you due to the extremely stressful environment one gets exposed too. This offers a simple, effortless and refreshing alternative to get rid of all health issues from hair problems to joint aches to other illnesses of a serious nature.


For information on the benefits of Aromatherapy as a stress reliever, click here.

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