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Image Source: Verandasuntanning

Proteins are the building blocks of human body.It builds the contractile elements in muscle. Proteins are assembled from amino acids.Some amino acids are made by the body itself and some are taken from foods.Whey protein has lots of these amino acids and thus it helps to get fat free muscled body, including Lucien and Cysteine, the most anabolic amino acids.

What is whey protein?

Whey protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey which is the liquid part of milk that separates during cheese production.It has a combination of essential amino acids which will help to form muscles.

Benefits of whey protein:

Whey protein is not only for athletes or body builders; it can help in various ailments too.

  • Build Muscle Mass: The process of building muscle is one of constantly tearing and repairing skeletal muscle cells. The protein synthesis must be greater than the destruction of muscle the exercise causes. Whey protein is high in Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s), which are 3 of the 9 essential amino acids that are of special importance for muscle repair and preservation. Take whey protein after workout.
  • Boosts immunity: Whey proteins produce higher levels of white blood cells, lymphocytes, and cytokine and thus boost immune responsiveness and reduce infection severity. They improve primary and secondary antibody responses to a variety of vaccines. Whey can increase glutathione level which is the main immune protection against various harmful virus and bacteria as well as stress, pollution, toxins, exercise, and UV light exposure.

Most importantly, it can help to boost glutathione inHIV patients and autistic children.Daily intake of whey can prevent type II diabetes.

  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Studies have shown that whey protein reduced blood pressure in patients with hypertension. This is due to whey’s impact on nitric oxide production, as nitric oxide helps the vessels maintain their elasticity and its suppression leads to increase in blood pressure.

  • Protect Gastrointestinal Tissue and Boost Beneficial Bacteria: Since whey increases glutathione level, it helps to protect tissues against damage caused by inflammation. It also helps to heal inflammatory bowel disease.  Whey lactose can be converted to indigestible ingredients that create a substrate that specifically enhances growth of bifid bacteria, which protect the intestine by secreting antimicrobial substances, modulating immune response, and influencing metabolic activities.
  • Nourishes body: Insufficient intake of protein can lead to loss of muscle mass, reduced strength, decreased bone mass, low immunity, cognitive impairment, and delayed wound and surgery recovery in children and adults.Whey can supply adequate protein to the body and thus significantly increases lifespan by 10 years.
  • Weight control and fat loss: Whey protein is effective in reducing weight and insulin resistance. But adding whey protein in your diet without regular exercise or workout can make you fat. The body will automatically use the extra nutrients to make excess body fat.
  • Prevents age-related muscle loss: People over 60 can have muscle wasting which can lead to risk of falls and disability. The calorie restriction mimetic compounds is present in whey protein that helps to spare and synthesize muscle, thus blocking the muscle loss and wasting process. The active amino acid leucine in whey overcomes this aging deficit, stimulating muscle synthesis.

  • Fights Cancer: Glutathione detoxifies carcinogens and prevents these from further developing into harmful body dangers. Lactoferrin in whey proteins inhibits tumors by various pathways, including inducing apoptosis, blocking angiogenesis, modulating carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes, and possibly by scavenging iron. Thus it helps to fight against some common forms of cancer including prostate and 

  • Prevents asthma: Increasing glutathione level can control asthma and allergy. So including whey protein in your daily foods can prevent asthma attack in children and adults.

Intake of whey proteins for a long time can lead to lactose intolerance, intestinal irritation, kidney stones and kidney failure, ketosis and bloating. So always think twice before overusing it.


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