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Understanding a silent yet potent killer is the first step towards combating a disease such as diabetes. Diabetes control can only be practiced and made a habit once you know what exactly the matter with your system is and what needs to be done to battle it. Read on to understand important tips surrounding diabetes.

Why take care of diabetes?

Taking care of your diabetes will leave you feeling good and upbeat about yourself today as well as in the future. Diabetes control will ensure this. When your blood sugar is closer to normal you instantly

  1. Have more energy
  2. Heal better
  3. Have fewer bladder or skin infections
  4. Pass urine less often
  5. Be less thirsty or tired

Taking care of your diabetes also lowers your chances of having health issues caused such as:

  1. Eye problems which can lead to going blind
  2. Heart attack or stroke
  3. Nerve damage or a numbness in limbs
  4. Kidney problems leading to kidneys stop working
  5. Gum and teeth issues

Coping with diabetes

Diabetes control needs to be practiced when living with diabetes and feelings of sadness, anger and pain take control of you. You might be aware of the steps needed to stay healthy. However sticking to a plan might be easier said than done. You need to know coping mechanisms which help deal with your diabetes, while ensuring active participation in all that life has to offer:

  1. Stress will raise your blood sugar levels. Practice stress management techniques in order to lower your stress. Try taking a walk, deep breathing, working on a hobby, listening to music or meditating. 
  2. If you feel down, reach out for help. A support group member, friend, family member or mental health counselor can all listen to your problems if you open up to them helping you to feel better. 

Eat well 

  • Create a meal plan while consulting your health care team
  • Select foods which are low in trans fat, sugar, salt and calories
  • Consume foods that have fiber like rice, breads, pasta and whole grain cereals
  • Consume more water instead of juices or colas. 
  • Choose foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains or skim milk and cheese
  • While making a plate, fill half the plate with fruits and vegetables, one quarter with a lean protein like beans or turkey minus the skin and a quarter with brown rice or pasta, something whole grain. 

To know more about products that can help with diabetes, click here.


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